best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

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program is crashing almost all the time.....
when will the new program released mate? sometimes restarts my server too


just requested my first payment for testing, hopefully it will be paid soon, will post proofs here later
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Hello Rech :)

There is an issue with PetaNDrive Program, I want to tell you about it and hope that there is a solution for it:

I am using PetaNDrive Program to upload my files and sometimes my internet connection disconnects suddenly and back again, and the issue is when connection back, the upload does not resume automaticly, but it starts from the beginning, and to let it resume I have to click pause and click resume again.

Sometimes I run uploading and go away from my computer so if the internet connection has disconnected in these times I will lose these times, so if you can make it resume automaticly if the internet back after disconnection, I will really be grateful to you.

Thanks in advance.
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Yes that is right when the intenet connection lost the upload start from 0 and we have to look for it from time to time

Added after 1 24 minutes:

bro i saw that there is Others in from where downloads come so what is Others?!?!
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I belive that you are using windows with thumbnail view, it will cause the program to download a lot of data to your temp folder, this issue has been fixed in version 1.3 that wil be released soon. after few more tests.

My OS is Vista Home and I use IE.

When ever I go to my account, I always that I have used up my bandwidth. Please fix that problem.

And also, I hate that pop up that shows up on my desktop screen saying that I have exceeded my bandwidth limit. Can u add an option not to show up?

It download only 1 file at a time but its creating 5 connections, and with our download manager it opens 10 connections.

Still, simultaneous downloads would be a good addition, if you could consider that.

mmm, users asked it before, our system already has the functions to create zip and rar archives, but we never released it, we are afraid that users will just take 1TB folder and start to zip it...

Yes, I see and I understand the problem you state.
Can you add password support for rar extraction? Almost all my files are rar password-protected archives. When i try to extract them from the web interface, the system doesn't ask for a password and so the extraction fails.
Can you add password support for rar extraction? Almost all my files are rar password-protected archives. When i try to extract them from the web interface, the system doesn't ask for a password and so the extraction fails.
it should ask for password.
please send the files that you cant extract to username admin. and i will check the problem.

Yes that is right when the intenet connection lost the upload start from 0 and we have to look for it from time to time

Added after 1 24 minutes:

bro i saw that there is Others in from where downloads come so what is Others?!?!
We will fix it in the next veriosn...
Got my first payment, thanks!! Proof:

Hi rech,
some of my files are bigger than 4 GB, but on the stats, its only treated as 2-4 GB size class?

and I know at least 2 of them are downloaded 100%, because they give feedback, is it a bug? Thanks.



Added after 40 minutes:

FTP not connect?!?!?!!?

Added after 16 minutes:

[1] Retry 21: Connecting to
[1] Resolving
[1] =>
[1] Connection Refused(10061)
[1] Retrying after 30 seconds for
[1] Retry 22: Connecting to
[1] Resolving
[1] =>
[1] Connection Timeout(10060)
[1] Retrying after 30 seconds for
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FTP is back...

Hi rech,
some of my files are bigger than 4 GB, but on the stats, its only treated as 2-4 GB size class?

and I know at least 2 of them are downloaded 100%, because they give feedback, is it a bug? Thanks.



They need to download the hole file... if they stopped during the download it will count only the size that they downloaded...
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