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  1. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    you already made 311$ from petandrive. but we stopped the make money plans, you have 20$ pending but its because you received twice more $ due to a bug on the site. __________________ Added after 5 minutes: we do not scam people we just stopped the make money plas due to a bug that caused...
  2. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    Thanks it looks like users received points twice, once after register and once after activation.
  3. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    refer no, only when they pay. and you can get your money... Anyway it shouldnt be hard to get money...
  4. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    I will pm you when the money plans get changed...
  5. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    what do you mean by " keep program for registered users only"? if we wont limit the bandwidth for unregistered users than users wont want to register. and if we give the program for registered users we will have to limit them in bandwidth... Well we are still far from using the andwidth, as...
  6. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    ok, sounds good, but only one problem. what about free users, they wont be able to use the porgram... because we cant add wait time for the program. we will have to add some kind of bandwidth limit...
  7. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    I am sorry to hear that, i will send you pm once we release the pay for downloads again.
  8. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    I understand that. But we gain nothing from this plans. you upload files get paid for that we get few more users. but you do not share files, users have no real reasn to stay with our site since they dont have TB of files, and they dont get the real advantage from petandrive. They need users to...
  9. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    we changed the make money plans. its now 50% of our income...
  10. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    We changed the make money plans to up to 50% from our income.
  11. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    maybe you should wait since you cant see last deals. We did paid everyone... could you send me your paypal account in pm and i will check...
  12. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    np. people are not using the site as intended to. This is way we want to change the make money plans... The publishing of links give us little income, we are considering to change the payments methods to 50% income from referrals, that way you could just publish your own unique collection...
  13. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    Since many users already have more than 12TB of data, and the publishing of links give us little income, we are considering on changing the payments methods to 50% income from referrals. Fixed. This bug will not repeat... Its because your session timed out... you need to login again.
  14. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    i see, i will make the team finish the new remote upload faster. anyway it looks like its working. whats your user name? anyway we released the ablity for unregistered users to watch videos using vlc (with subs)/divx or flash. No wait time for watching videos...
  15. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    last time i checked someone else account and there was nothing wrong. odd, which browser do you use? have you entered the paypal account? do you receive some error message?
  16. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    fixed, we will work on this bug...
  17. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    yes, i posted back then that its not but i was mistaken... and ftp is back in the last hours...
  18. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    It was not a bug, many hack attempts and users that tried to crash the server, we just added more security.
  19. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    mmm, looks like its working fine, your request is pending. I think that we had problems with your paypal account, so please send me pm and confirm the paypal account and i will send you the $.
  20. R best file hosting! make a lot of money now!

    No, its manual, until we make sure that no one cheats or by pass the system i wont be automatic payments.