Other Your247Host.com - RapidLeech, Torrent Flux, Offshore

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servers are down again, your site is down... how do I complain???

If this happens again I will like to leave this host because it occurs far too much!
where is the support guys?

I'm losing a lot of money on your service; as soon as you get back online, lets get my forum transferred. I'm sorry that I don't have much patience but I also don't have the patience to apologize for my lack of patience any more.

So I'll be getting transferred asap now :)

Thank you for your service.

This is really silly now, you've been offline for almost 24 hours now! What the F**k?
we have been experiencing problems on our server which is the downtime you are receiving. The data centre is taking care of the fault as it was not our problem. We are sorry for what’s happened. And sorry to hear you are departing us. We all wish you the best with your new hosting service and are sad you are departing us. Our server only had a downtime issue twice with you. The last downtime lasted 5 minutes.
Thank you
i can't open my site again..IP blacklisted or something like that! last time they fix it quick but now i think they don't know what to do
We have stated te problem above. Your IP has not been blacklisted it is a problem the the hardware at the datacentre.
Can you assure me that these datacenter or server issues will be resolved and remain that way for at least one month straight without fault?

Because I believe that the first 1 month is extremely vital in a websites launch.
The data centre is changing the motherboard in the server right now. We don’t understand how you have had a bad experience with this server. Your other problems were due to issues that were caused by you. This server has only ever failed now. Sorry for the inconvenience, but as I said the data centre is fixing this issue now. We are tying our best to make sure all our customers are receiving the correct support.
Thank you
Damn it! I can't open the website... what the f*** is happening?

I just hope that all my files and data is safe or damn this will turn ugly!
The data centre is changing the motherboard in the server right now. We don’t understand how you have had a bad experience with this server. Your other problems were due to issues that were caused by you. This server has only ever failed now. Sorry for the inconvenience, but as I said the data centre is fixing this issue now. We are tying our best to make sure all our customers are receiving the correct support.
Thank you

I still can't open my website

Damn it! I can't open the website... what the f*** is happening?

I just hope that all my files and data is safe or damn this will turn ugly!

Please read what the host has to say. I believe they are having server troubles!
Try contacting them via IM Support (if they have it) or Email!

@bmatthews, i know you are frustrated with this company, but you should not threaten your hosting company! That's a bad thing to do.
I understand I shouldn't do so, but there is always the fear that two weeks of extremely hard work to both build and promote a forum, working several hours a day with a team behind it... could fall apart so quickly and disappear into nothing.

I apologise to all for my posts but at the same time, question this service's stability.
I understand I shouldn't do so, but there is always the fear that two weeks of extremely hard work to both build and promote a forum, working several hours a day with a team behind it... could fall apart so quickly and disappear into nothing.

I apologise to all for my posts but at the same time, question this service's stability.

That is why you should always create backups! No matter on what host you have (even reputable ones!) you should always backup somewhere externally. I am not saying daily, but atleast weekly, or even monthly! Something is better than nothing!
Well if your concern is the server's stability, maybe next time you should choose a different host who has been hosting for more than 1 year. (i believe your247host has just been around for a few months!).
i am not saying that your247host is bad, i do not know their quality, but just a suggestion for next time or for others who read, that you should do research on the hosts you choose, and not choose new hosts who have just come out! Another bad thing, is to choose a host who has no contact other than their website, or who host their website on the hosting server! (if you host your website on the same server you host your clients, if that goes down there is no way to contact the host!)
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