Other MysBorg.com - sBorg Hosting w/ Torrents, Unmetered bandwidth, Starts from 14.99$ (NL)

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I read it
My mistake about size of that torrent
Your mistake not configuring your server quota limits
How can I have access to the root? If this happens is your fault again with server configurations.
You must send me a warning about number of sessions, not just suspend my account.
Please unsuspend my account


How come you blame us again even after showing you all the proofs, Go up and read my thread again (http://www.wjunction.com/1080311-post213.htm).. I written everything there..

It goes to root when you direct upload the torrent file from transmission page..
So I will pay for your mistake"I caught you and not suspending coz it was our mistake not enabling the quota."
I'm the lightest user from your server and you just suspend my account for a torrent which I just set one time to download
And I dont make complains about my torrents been canceled by other users
Please unsuspend my account
So I will pay for your mistake"I caught you and not suspending coz it was our mistake not enabling the quota."
I'm the lightest user from your server and you just suspend my account for a torrent which I just set one time to download
And I dont make complains about my torrents been canceled by other users
Please unsuspend my account

lightest user? o_O
one time? I've deleted that torrent and sent you a warning to your email about what you're doing with the server, and you was still doing the same, downloading that torrent to root directory by uploading directly from transmission, I already showed you the proofs. Don't mix up and try to confuse me :|

We have the right to suspend abusers account. We caught you uploading a file which is more 25% of the harddisk we have on server, that's not a simple thing, paying $10 and using it as you like is not the way, if you found that it's allowing you do more than the space allowed, you should let us know instead of misusing.. I've not directly suspended your account, I've sent you a warning not to do that, you ignored it and downloading it again and again (I've deleted that torrent 4times, You was downloading it again as I delete)

Not just that, also abusing server running more than 3instance downloads.
We don't let our good clients face problems because of abusers..
I just setup one time that torrent yesterday and what comes next I don't know
I dont want to use the service at my way, I respect the rules
You dont just sent a warning email. You suspended my account and sent a email at same time
No answer my emails and no reply to live chat
All this because of your mistake with server quotas and my mistake of a torrent size
Please unsuspend my account
I just setup one time that torrent yesterday and what comes next I don't know
I dont want to use the service at my way, I respect the rules
You dont just sent a warning email. You suspended my account and sent a email at same time
No answer my emails and no reply to live chat
All this because of your mistake with server quotas and my mistake of a torrent size
Please unsuspend my account

You wasn't respecting our rules. Don't lie, I've sent you email. suspended you after a long time when I see you uploading the torrent again and again and processes instances more than 3. I already showed you the proofs, there's nothing to lie. I would unsuspend you if you have agreed that you did a mistake and never repeat that again, but you just acting like you didn't do anything and I'm showing you all fake proofs..

I've already updated here that live chat is only for sales inquiry, not for any other kind of support, you need to put support ticket for that.

You got good reasons saying you thought that was a 6.47GB file and how about the files you was doing since so long, no file was less than 100GB :|
Don't you know what you was doing? I don't think you're a noob.
I couldn't catch you because you was doing that to 'root/Downloads'..

Not just a warning to you, after your warning, I've also sent a newsletter to all our clients.

Sorry mate, I'm not gonna unsuspend your account. I want my bussiness and server to be clean with good clients.

You suspended my account and sent a email at same time

If I have emailed you after suspending your account, How come you said sorry of your mistake on chat? You would have asked me to unsuspended there only, if I had mailed you after suspending your account right? ^o)

There should be a limit for lies mate :|
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I was very specific about that you suspended my account at same time you sent a email. I Not said after or before.
1- Set a torrent to download (600Gb My only mistake)
Server does not got quota limits (your mistake)
2- I'm back to transload it and got sborg suspended
3- Check a email
4- Reply email
5- No answer
6- Try live chat
7- No live chat answer

No notification, just got a suspended account becouse of a little mistake and you said "I caught you and not suspending coz it was our mistake not enabling the quota."
Please unsuspend my account

PS You are very unprofessional
Please dont sent client email to the public
I was very specific about that you suspended my account at same time you sent a email. I Not said after or before.
1- Set a torrent to download (600Gb My only mistake)
Server does not got quota limits (your mistake)
2- I'm back to transload it and got sborg suspended
3- Check a email
4- Reply email
5- No answer
6- Try live chat
7- No live chat answer

No notification, just got a suspended account becouse of a little mistake and you said "I caught you and not suspending coz it was our mistake not enabling the quota."
Please unsuspend my account

PS You are very unprofessional
Please dont sent client email to the public

Answers to your points,

1- That's not mistake, That is abusing.
We're new, so have no idea about that until I asked my tech guy why it's letting users do more than they're allowed to. (I've set a limit, so not my mistake)
2- You know you're abusing, thinking that we're fools, not watching and abusing as you like.
3- You've checked email
4- Another lie, You didn't replied to my email. (you can show me a screenshot to prove yourself)
5- How can you expect for an answer when you don't even send me a email?
6- Another Big Lie, There was only 1 offline message from you sent that when I sent you warning email.


7- How can you expect for an answer when am offline on livezilla (I've already updated that livechat is only for sales inquiry, not for any other support, you should put a support ticket for that)

Warning was chance to follow the terms, not a permission to misusing again, You was still doing the same, It's our term and duty to suspend abusers, I did my job.
Little mistake? Do you atleast know what you're talking? our server hard disk is 2TB, you were doing all files which are more than 100GB, I've caught you when you were doing 647GB file and then I got doubt on you and was noticing the transmission, as expected, you've uploaded that file to transmission directly (which it downloads to '/root/Downloads/' directory)

you were using more than 25% of the diskspace we have on our whole server and you call it a little mistake?

unsuspend your account? why? you're not apolozing your mistake, you're just trying to cover everything with you lies and asks me to unsuspend your account ^o)

Yes you got that right, am not professional (Did I ever you tell that am professional guy? :|)
People would think the problem is from ourside, We can't let them think like that, so I have to, It's my responsiblity to show everything with proofs.
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"unsuspend your account? why? you're not apolozing your mistake, you're just trying to cover everything with you lies and asks me to unsuspend your account"
I said sorry a lot of times. Please remove my email from that image. You are making this a mess for just a torrent. Remove torrents from my account if you want. But please unsuspend it.
"unsuspend your account? why? you're not apolozing your mistake, you're just trying to cover everything with you lies and asks me to unsuspend your account"
I said sorry a lot of times. Please remove my email from that image. You are making this a mess for just a torrent. Remove torrents from my account if you want. But please unsuspend it.

I don't want any sorry mate, I don't want anyone to abuse the server and give trouble to other users. I'm not the one messing, you messed the server with those 'just torrent' files, 2TB of harddisk showing 84% is full, it's all because of you..

Whatever, Removed that image which have your email and unsuspended your account, If you ever abuse the server again, Your account will be terminated for ever. This is your last chances.
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