Other MysBorg.com - sBorg Hosting w/ Torrents, Unmetered bandwidth, Starts from 14.99$ (NL)

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I was wondering how come our server warns us disk space is 84% full when we have 2TB harddisk and only few clients with storage limit.. But actually storage quota limit was not enabled :facepalm:

however our tech has just enabled it..

See the screenshot :

This is why it shows the disk space is full, People who knew this that sborg allowing them to store more than they're allowed, They should let us know that there's a glitch in storage limit, but insteading of telling us they're just misusing it..

See the pic, He's leeching a torrent file which is 647GB size, was he serious eh? It's more than half TB, more than 25% of the harddisk we have on our server :facepalm:

Guys! Please let us be here in this bussiness, if you found any glitch please let us know instead of misusing. Follow our terms, We're just trying to give you the best service at low price and we're giving you even we're not making any profit. We're in loss already but we're not in any plan to quit or sell our bussiness to others, loss is a comman thing in new bussinesses, we're not worried about that, we're worried about our clients and afraid of abusers..

It's my humble request to all of you.

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MY account suspended check it and fix it :@ I can`t use your Sborg service properly more than 1 week , problem after problem ...

You want features which are not available on sborg and we're not responsible for that mate(we're not developers mate, we're just sborg reseller), It's not the problem from our side. I already told you before also, you said you understood and says problem after problem? :|

whatever, your account suspended coz I've found you abusing the server running more than 3instance processes. This will be a warning, I've unsuspended your account now. If we find you abusing the server again, Your account will be permanently terminated with no refund..
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You want features which are not available on sborg and we're not responsible for that mate(we're not developers mate, we're just sborg reseller), It's not the problem from our side. I already told you before also, you said you understood and says problem after problem? :|

whatever, your account suspended coz I've found you abusing the server running more than 3instance processes. This will be a warning, I've unsuspended your account now. If you find you abusing the server again, Your account will be permanently terminated with no refund..

i found the mistake :facepalm:


Sorry mate

I was thinking in 6.47Gb :facepalm:
When I come back to transload it I got my account suspended :'(
Please do a complete setup of the service so all user will receive a error before download starts.

Please unsuspend my account


I was wondering how come our server warns us disk space is 84% full when we have 2TB harddisk and only few clients with storage limit.. But actually storage quota limit was not enabled :facepalm:

however our tech has just enabled it..

See the screenshot :

This is why it shows the disk space is full, People who knew this that sborg allowing them to store more than they're allowed, They should let us know that there's a glitch in storage limit, but insteading of telling us they're just misusing it..

See the pic, He's leeching a torrent file which is 647GB size, was he serious eh? It's more than half TB, more than 25% of the harddisk we have on our server :facepalm:

Guys! Please let us be here in this bussiness, if you found any glitch please let us know instead of misusing. Follow our terms, We're just trying to give you the best service at low price and we're giving you even we're not making any profit. We're in loss already but we're not in any plan to quit or sell our bussiness to others, loss is a comman thing in new bussinesses, we're not worried about that, we're worried about our clients and afraid of abusers..

It's my humble request to all of you.

Sorry mate

I was thinking in 6.47Gb :facepalm:
When I come back to transload it I got my account suspended :'(
Please do a complete setup of the service so all user will receive a error before download starts.

Please unsuspend my account


If once it happend, that could be by mistake, If twice? that could be mistake too, but what if it's always happening the same? That's what it's happening with you, I was seeing somebody downloading files to '/root/Downloads', files which is more than 100GB, I was wondering who's doing like this and removing them everytime I see.

Also I didn't suspend you as soon as I see you're doing 647GB file, I've sent you a warning to your email saying that you did this, I caught you and not suspending coz it was our mistake not enabling the quota.


You ignored that and started uploading directly to /root/Downloads/ folder.


Not just this, you was also abusing the server doing more than more than 3instance processes, But I never suspend you hoping that you'll stop yourself, but you was doing the same always thinking that we can't do anything.

Yea newuploader you will find in this business people abuse the shit out of your service then bitch because its suppose to be your fault....one of the reasons I now long do rapidleech or sborg hosting.

I do hope you get the abusers off, as I know how it is...don't let them discourage you.
Yea newuploader you will find in this business people abuse the shit out of your service then bitch because its suppose to be your fault....one of the reasons I now long do rapidleech or sborg hosting.

I do hope you get the abusers off, as I know how it is...don't let them discourage you.

Punish them :D

Thanks for your support mates :)

Profit is not important to us as long as we recover money to pay our server expensives, giving best service to clients and adding more products/services will bring profit to us anyway. so we're not worried about the money we lose with abusers.
I dont check my email all the time. I signed your service, but no rules comes to me.
You update the rules and want I come here to see the Latest News. I follow all rules, but I need to see them first. You started a good service, but you are making the rules on a already open service. Thats not fair for customers. Please unsuspend my account.

I dont check my email all the time. I signed your service, but no rules comes to me.
You update the rules and want I come here to see the Latest News. I follow all rules, but I need to see them first. You started a good service, but you are making the rules on a already open service. Thats not fair for customers. Please unsuspend my account.


We're not making new rules, they were already, We're reminding you here, not creating new rules here.. ok if you have read the rules here, still you abused the server? you paid for 25GB of space and downloading hundreds of GB files on the root? :|


It doesn't allow you to signup until you tick that as you're agreed to our Terms of Service. how come you didn't see that :|
I read it
My mistake about size of that torrent
Your mistake not configuring your server quota limits
How can I have access to the root? If this happens is your fault again with server configurations.
You must send me a warning about number of sessions, not just suspend my account.
Please unsuspend my account

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