- Official Support Thread

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    Votes: 113 38.4%
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    Votes: 23 7.8%
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    Votes: 45 15.3%
  • 1 - 10Mb

    Votes: 113 38.4%

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Yeah sure whatever. It's you who asked to post screen, you don't even bother to explain why suddenly nothing happened after 28th November 2012....ah...i got it...EVERYTHING IS FINE.
Anything you problem, i only MUST accept that, don't worry...EVERYTHING IS FINE.

Because sales always increase at weekend
Enjoy it, always same ID that appeared when there's few complaints :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::-&

bravesoldier, obviously after 29th Nov there is something wrong with your stats.mine also on 29th Nov download counts suddenly dropped but still got sales until 3rd Dec then zero sales until today (except 6th Dec, got 1 sale + 1 rebill).:-&

No...according Lumzechai, EVERYTHING IS FINE.

No more complaints...i will sit down, eat popcorn watching this thread.
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Originally Posted by bravesoldier
Sure...! If everything correct, why should i bother to complaint.

Download numbers on 9th December should be high, but since i set my limit to 400 MB few hours ago, it's only like that, just set to 1024 MB again.....and funny thing in last 3 days i'm too lazy for posting because i know i won't get anything...but still download stable :)

You expected me think everything is right when after 28th November 2012 suddenly nothing happened...? :sleeping:


i have similar stats

except that you are lucky to atleast get a sale of 26 dollars

I can give you an explanation, look at the PPD, you need to have 1000 times download so you can get $ 15 (region A), if the average for all countries, you need 1000 download to get $7, so you have only with download counts around 100, I'm sure that it does not promise to bring in sales for you, because if it's easy, people will not choose PPD. Based on your mean: 100 download = 1 sales, 1000 download = 10 sales, rich man soon :D
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Thanks for your explanation.

But you are very funny when wrote this :
Based on your mean: 100 download = 1 sales, 1000 download = 10 sales, rich man soon

It's out of topic. In case you forget, first you made conclusion, then i reply if i did all you wrote in your conclusion. Then you asked me ( Maybe you need make sure if i'm not lie ) to show if i get download, ok, i post it for fact make me wonder why you need me to post that, you can see in my Lumfile ID : captainkidz .

And which part of my post that saying / mean i must get 1 sales / 100 download....???? You can see during 21 - 28 Nov 2012 there's few days without sales and i don't complaints.

Really out of topic, so i need post to make it straight, it's simply only ask why suddenly sales drop to zero in last 10 days, i'm not saying 100 download must get 1 sales.

I don't expect anything again...i already give up.
captainkidz around 100 download each day too
My conclusion: you need around 1000 download each day to have a stable sales. If you can get sales with 100 download, you very lucky or anyone interesting your file size limit download.
how many sales do you think you can generate with 100 odd downloads?

guys, i think you were wrong in assuming that having downloads means "able" to generate sales.

no matter how you set the limit ... it will not help.

you need a very good number of downloads to start a "posibility" of sales.

I can give you an explanation, look at the PPD, you need to have 1000 times download so you can get $ 15 (region A), if the average for all countries, you need 1000 download to get $7, so you have only with download counts around 100, I'm sure that it does not promise to bring in sales for you, because if it's easy, people will not choose PPD. Based on your mean: 100 download = 1 sales, 1000 download = 10 sales, rich man soon :D

AndyM i see you talking nonsesnse and here what i have to say about downloads /sales:

And also you too lumzechai dont even try to make a report downlods/sales!!
100 downloads not enough to make a sale??Here you go 43 downlods and 3 sales

And if you have almost double nummbers of downloads dont expect to have sales lol:
If I am satisfied Lumfile, I am also lumzechai clone? And all those who will be pleased when a few people are unhappy?

Look: 5-6 people complaining here, three write that all is in order. But by your own words, if a person is all right with sales, it will not write here, it will just continue to work, right?

I, too, there are days with no sales at Lumfile if you want to know. But this is quite normal, premium accounts is not bread and water, necessary for people every day. :facepalm:

Look how many scams of the file hosting sites now. Lumfile always pays and works fine, despite all the difficulties. If you think that this is not enough in this difficult time for file hosts, find the best option and stop to take the time a support, he needed to answer the normal questions.
And also you too lumzechai dont even try to make a report downlods/sales!!
100 downloads not enough to make a sale??Here you go 43 downlods and 3 sales

Thanks cancel.

As i said above, i don't want make more complaints or expected more...really tired, because the answer is getting strange and strange. But i can see you as PPS affiliates like me understand very well that even with low download we can get sales.

@Carlos Black
Enjoy it, And read again all my last posts, there's no spam word i used, and i reply his comments too.
I can accept few days without sales, but 10 days suddenly stats like that, do you think i can't ask this...? Will you accept that condition if that situation happen to you when your posts and files increased...?

If you follow this thread then you will understand why there's comment like that...don't you think not strange if same ID always appeared on the right time...?

Anyway, i'm finish with this. Whatever with my stats....i will say nothing. Let Lumfile have peace in his thread.
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AndyM i see you talking nonsesnse and here what i have to say about downloads /sales:

And also you too lumzechai dont even try to make a report downlods/sales!!
100 downloads not enough to make a sale??Here you go 43 downlods and 3 sales

And if you have almost double nummbers of downloads dont expect to have sales lol:

Because you set all file need premium for download. Why you not think 84 premium download on Dec-08 counted from 3 premium member bought from Dec-05 ?? You think they just bought premium, bring money for you and not download any file :rofl:
Then whats with this:

In 1,2,3 six members bought premium .....but in 4 they dont want to download anymore (specially that once from 3 ) LOL
bad excuses (or lets say explanations you have)

Anyway , you cant say you need X downloads to have X sales .That is simple you cant.....I know a guy who had 7 sales on a file of 25MB (porn ) and 300 free downloads time of filesonic......
@cancel: As i said: premium download is not sales. It just show for you, how many download your file from premium account (premium under your account and under other aff).
Dec-01,02-03 you have sales, OK, Dec-04 very small premium download. I think it downloaded from premium user from Dec-01,02,03. If you cut your file to 3 part, premium need download 3 times. Our system will be count by 3. If you have more under premium account, premium download count will be increase each day. I hope you can understand it.

It clear for you ????
@lumzechai I know what is premium downloads ....but why suddenly decreased in 4 dec?And was frozzen for good hours almost all day -just at begining of the day was ok!!I even post it here that something is not ok!!
And when this happens usually are problems with sales too!
if you have more under premium account, premium download count will be increase each day. I hope you can understand it.
Then it should be more and more downloads .....for me looks like is not like that .....more people buy less downloads!!
@lumzechai I know what is premium downloads ....but why suddenly decreased in 4 dec?And was frozzen for good hours almost all day -just at begining of the day was ok!!I even post it here that something is not ok!!
And when this happens usually are problems with sales too!

Then it should be more and more downloads .....for me looks like is not like that .....more people buy less downloads!!
You need to check your files, it can actually be someone interested and download your file
I have no idea who is andym, but I have the impression that you are all ready to admit satisfied Lumfile clones administrator. If it is not, I apologize.

You can see my posts in topics other file hosting services and understand that I have worked and continue to try many of them.
So far, only one of the new file hosting sites like me as well or even a little more than Lumfile. But I'm not sure whether this host will live long enough and will pay regularly. Therefore, I trust Lumfile as the time-tested host.

Simply put, your complaint will not change anything. If a support says that all checked and everything is fine, then it is. Why did he have to check it a thousand times?
This way you only distract him from the important work, as he has to tell you the same thing a hundred times.

You are a very kind person. :angel: A support other file hosting services simply ignore these messages as spam. Can you take example from them? All the same, there will always be dissatisfied and respond to all - is to spend time and effort.
@Carlos Black Too many if watch in the last 20 pages i will see at least 20 users that are not satisfied with lumfile .....
If everything worked fine you would not see this kind of complaints here....or maybe 1-2 that have spam content .....

Added after 6 minutes:

Lol I just got sales :D verrry interesting :D
Me 4 reffearls:rofl::rofl: and 3 downloads LOL
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I wasnt expecting such a thing maybe host just fine but sales from reseller not count I dont know maybe I keep working this guys

btwm my space became 500gb limited it wasnt unlimited ? for frees
Then read this and see :

My premium account was set manually by lumzechai after i bought 1 month premium with webmoney!
Because you buy premium while our system maintenance, Oct-29 this time always maintenance on new data center after lost all server + database.

I wasnt expecting such a thing maybe host just fine but sales from reseller not count I dont know maybe I keep working this guys

btwm my space became 500gb limited it wasnt unlimited ? for frees
Why you think sales via reseller not count ? Remember: we just count if premium account buy via downloadlimit reseller.
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