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  1. C 75% sales&rebills + 5% from site domain

    Next payment recieived VipShare.Me - VIP file-storage About a week ago I've been asked about this file sharing, but now the topic removed. So, I took a chance and try it. Today received the first payment! By their rules they pay the first payment in 10 days, next 3-4 days after ordering. To me...
  2. C Has anyone tried this file hosting?

    Does not anyone tried this file host? I have seen links to the forum
  3. C Has anyone tried this file hosting? - Free hosting of files Has anyone tried? This pays?
  4. C - High speeds & High rates - Official Support Thread

    You make the payment on webmoney? How often?
  5. C - Official Support Thread

    lumzechai, thanks you for payment!
  6. C - Official Support Thread

    Payment received! Thanks, lumzechai!
  7. C - Official Support Thread

    lumzechai Please check PM from me!
  8. C - Official Support Thread

    Payment received, thank you!
  9. C - PPD UP to $30/1000 downloads - Daily Payouts

    Add referral program, please! You promised. 15-20% from referral earnings maybe optimal...
  10. C - Official Support Thread

    Then wait for a response from lumzechai, the reason for the ban
  11. C - Official Support Thread

    fireb1rd You login into your account often with different ip, I suppose? Then the system will take you over a leech user. This is often the case, but it is correct - leech services rob all us of the sale.Unfortunately, sometimes suffering innocent. Just use one IP or go to your account not often.
  12. C - Official Support Thread

    Thanks for payment.
  13. C - PPD UP to $30/1000 downloads - Daily Payouts

    JunoCloud Please add Referral Program! 10-20% of the earnings of invited friends. This will be beneficial to us and to you.
  14. C - Official Support Thread

    Thank you for payment!
  15. C

    Vidpe: 0-3 Days Payout, $30 PPD/50% PPS/Mixed

    VidpeDotCom When the next payment for Webmoney?
  16. C - Official Support Thread

    Thanks for the payout and the 10% bonus!:sun: Strange tendency that second week at the weekend fewer sales than on weekdays.:unsure: But in general, everything is fine.:) bravesoldier You have repeatedly promised to stop complaining. Instead, you continue to write huge messages with...
  17. C - Earn up to $30 for 1000 downloads!

    Statistics on referrals is still no. It will someday or not?
  18. C - Official Support Thread

    On the weekend there was a small decline in sales, now everything is fine. lumzechai Congratulations to you Happy New Year in your country! :sun:
  19. C

    Vidpe: 0-3 Days Payout, $30 PPD/50% PPS/Mixed

    VidpeDotCom Thank you, now it is on the list for payment.) Payments Liberty Reserve once a week or something? p.s.: Site loads slowly. You are under DDoS attack?