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    Votes: 113 38.4%

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You login into your account often with different ip, I suppose? Then the system will take you over a leech user. This is often the case, but it is correct - leech services rob all us of the sale.Unfortunately, sometimes suffering innocent. Just use one IP or go to your account not often.
Carlos Black, no i did not. after first ban i decided not work with lumfile anymore. i worked with many filehosts for a long time and i never got ban. it hurted me very much.
i didn't use lumfile acc, i just cheked my stat from time to time.
well, even don't know what i am (we are maybe) waiting for....

Carlos Black, look - even if poster was banned for terrible things first time and was unbanned then - it means lumfile say "we forgive you and give you the second chance" (figuratively).
after that poster doesn't work with them. just waits for his rebills. and what a surprise - he is banned in payment day!
is it logically?
Hi, I requested a payment on Feb. 22, I was wondering how long it actually takes. Are the MoneyBookers and Liberty Reserve payment methods actually working, or should I choose a different one? You don't offer Payza or Western Union I guess? What are the "DAB" and "VCB" payment options?
Thanks very much!
rebills dropped
i expect to get some rebills today but even one also i didnt get it
i think auto rebills will work only previous month(only feburvary)
You asked me PM our tech for check your friend account. But they detect your account storage Child Porn link before. And you deleted all it for get rebills. Your account has been BANNED forever.

lol i didn't delete files to get rebills. you deleted all my files before banning. and then i was un-banned, after asking you here in PM. i got my account back, but i didn't get my files of course. they all were removed. Do you not know what is happening in your system? Do you not know what do you do usually with files when you ban users? Are you really don't know the politic of your service or You're just trying to lie / ignore / hush up this story?

1. i didn't post child porn. jb content and amateur content - 2 different things! you baned all users which posted at jb boards, even if they didn't have threads in main jb section and used amateur sections only!
2. your filehost was added at jb boards after talking with you / your administration.
you allowed such content and such boards
3. you changed your rules without letting us know and ban all us.
4. you unbanned me. you knew why was i banned. you knew all situation.
and now when you see i have lot of re-bills you decided to ban me again and don't pay me.

well done

i'm waiting for the reply, lumzechai
i'm sure of my words. you knew about jb content, boards and you allowed this. don't try to lie. i have logs of that talk with you and admins of these boards. but you banned lot of posters without payments, including me. and then your illogical, inconsequent and unfair actions didn't finish. you knew who i am, but you unbanned me. you didn't think i will have lot of rebills and when you knew about that - you decided don't pay me my money.

What will you say?
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0 sale and 0 rebill here.


2 auto rebills now! :D
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why website sales earning dropped. Please see red rectangle area and green rectangle area.

In red rectangle area I got a sale from my site. I earned 6.495$ and website sale earn 0.6495$. But in green rectangle area its only 0.1 and 0.1

lumzechai Hello ... I have a problem, (Your account was banned by administrator.) Yes, I came from different IP to account for the work both at work and at home. I ask you to open an account for future work. Thank you!
0 sale and 0 rebill here.


2 auto rebills now! :D

u r great and lucky bro getting gud rebills i expected to get rebills today also but no rebills till now sales are ok but today no sale and rebill


whats this
and that referal not added in account balance

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lumzechai Hello ... I have a problem, (Your account was banned by administrator.) Yes, I came from different IP to account for the work both at work and at home. I ask you to open an account for future work My login Thank you!
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