HenchFile.com - PPS Only

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Zoom uploader has worked this afternoon... few minutes ago come out new version and I updated it... but now it not works anymore with henchfile :(

thanks for your support.

Zoom uploader has worked this afternoon... few minutes ago come out new version and I updated it... but now it not works anymore with henchfile :(
You'll have to take it up with them. I've sent the owner an email, but like I say, we don't maintain the program so there's not much we can do.
All of this is details in our terms which I can only assume you have not read.
DMCA Policy
Terms of service

I think you should watch what you're saying as people may think you're talking about us!
Once again, we will never claim a file has been removed via DMCA notice is it hasn't. Simple. Don't apply your past experiences to us as a host.

I'm pretty sure I'm talking about you. You've deleted several files that are impossible to have had LEGIT DMCA reports so yes I'm talking about you. You've just done this to me and other members have already said the same thing.

You randomly delete files just to cut people's earnings and as a matter of fact you seem like this other host who was banned for this exact same reason.

So I'll ask you again. What do you require of someone who files a DMCA report in order for you to remove files? I'd like to know if you're at least protecting uploaders files who use your service in a legit fashion. Not everyone who uploads things are uploading illegal content which from how you act you seem to assume this.
I'm pretty sure I'm talking about you. You've deleted several files that are impossible to have had LEGIT DMCA reports so yes I'm talking about you. You've just done this to me and other members have already said the same thing.

You randomly delete files just to cut people's earnings and as a matter of fact you seem like this other host who was banned for this exact same reason.

So I'll ask you again. What do you require of someone who files a DMCA report in order for you to remove files? I'd like to know if you're at least protecting uploaders files who use your service in a legit fashion. Not everyone who uploads things are uploading illegal content which from how you act you seem to assume this.
Send me examples here and I'll post the DMCA reports publicly (without the sensitive details). I am not having these false accusations posted on this forum.

We absolutely DO NOT do what you describe.

I think you need to read up on what DMCA is and how it works. DMCA notices must contain specific criteria including a similar phrase as "We state under penalty of perjury that the information in the notice is accurate.". It is a criminal offense to wrongly submit a DMCA notification. Consent and legal authority is assumed.

I'm waiting for those links from you.

Dear, HenchFile.

Is posible to increase the download limit of 2 GB every three day?

Can be at least 5 GB per day? :sun:
No, sorry.
I'll contact you through your website. Not posting anything here as I keep my online status and personal life status separate.

You still did not answer my question unfortunately. What do people who submit DMCA notices have to prove to you "FIRST" before you remove any so claimed copyright files? Do you just take their word for it regardless if you have notices in place that it is a criminal offense to wrongly submit a DMCA report? It doesn't seem to me you make them provide proper paperwork that proves they own the copyright to claimed files and offer no protection to legit uploaders. Do you even have a DMCA notification system in place where if you have wrongly removed files that an uploader can even dispute it or even see files that have been removed? I only know my files were removed because I keep track of my files and I see which ones are removed, not from you having told me they were.

Can files that are wrongly removed be disputed and retrieved along with earnings too? All good hosts in the past have provided such good service and none of these new hosts provide anything of the sort and assume everyone uploading is a pirate.
I'll contact you through your website. Not posting anything here as I keep my online status and personal life status separate.

You still did not answer my question unfortunately. What do people who submit DMCA notices have to prove to you "FIRST" before you remove any so claimed copyright files? Do you just take their word for it regardless if you have notices in place that it is a criminal offense to wrongly submit a DMCA report? It doesn't seem to me you make them provide proper paperwork that proves they own the copyright to claimed files and offer no protection to legit uploaders. Do you even have a DMCA notification system in place where if you have wrongly removed files that an uploader can even dispute it or even see files that have been removed? I only know my files were removed because I keep track of my files and I see which ones are removed, not from you having told me they were.

Can files that are wrongly removed be disputed and retrieved along with earnings too? All good hosts in the past have provided such good service and none of these new hosts provide anything of the sort and assume everyone uploading is a pirate.
I have not answered these directly as I prefer to not waste my time stating things that I have already told you to read.
All of these answers are in the DMCA policy and ToS links I posted earlier.
Once a file has been removed it is gone forever, regardless of whether the DMCA is valid. This is stated specifically in our terms of service and you use our service acknowledging this risk.

You can send me the links privately, but I will be posting the response publicly to stop you posting inaccurate and false information.
I'll just wait on my first payment then stop using your service, I'm almost to $50 then I'm out. You have no uploader protection in place for legit uploaders and do not require DMCA reporters to show any type of documentation proof to remove a file.

I wouldn't recommend any host like this.
I'll just wait on my first payment then stop using your service, I'm almost to $50 then I'm out. You have no uploader protection in place for legit uploaders and do not require DMCA reporters to show any type of documentation proof to remove a file.

I wouldn't recommend any host like this.
Alright, good luck but you're wrong. You may not like it, but the legislation does not require us to request more proof than what is provided as the submitter is already confirming their authority.


I also note that you have not been provided with any links to the files you were referring to earlier. If anyone is engaging in underhand tactics and spreading erroneous information it is you.

Your argument is a fallacy, you are making assumptions about our service but you don't actually have any proof or examples of any wrong-doing... that's because there is none.
Show me the files that we've deleted due to DMCA that are your own please.
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Don't you think that is shady to do to your uploaders though? People can just submit some claim to copyright without proof and you remove those files and like you say once they're gone they're gone and so are the earnings.

Ever consider there are some folks in the world who are haters or just like to be malicious to have people's files removed? As a legit host you should take more strenuous measure's to prevent such a matter because as I previously stated not every uploading is uploading illegal content but because someone files a DMCA report and you do no further investigating other than "taking their word for it" then people who are uploading legal content get screwed out of their earnings.

What would or could you do anyhow to malicious DMCA reports? Nothing. The content is removed, so is our earnings and its not like you'd take legal action against those individuals.
PMed you the username

waiting for your reply

Added after 22 minutes:

sorry to bother u

it was mistake from my end I forget to change the plan to PPD
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