– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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Lemme try to explain u....lets dont include PPS scenario into it.(as i'v just switch to it on friday , so we leave it)
MY problem = this chart


BEFORE friday both states (by file size) and (by country group) were crossing
20 mark ...n i was nearing 30 ( by dat i was showing 23 talking about 101mb and 400 mb file size state)

BUT wen i checkd today it was showing the above picture,revenue 13 n 9.......lemme make it very clear dat i'm damn sure dat iv crossed 20 mark (revenue) as u hv all d record u can check urself.

i was so exited dat i'm nearing 30 mark but c wat happned.
PLZ help me out ....

Hish, waiting for ur reply....n me damn sure something horrible wrong....i'm in dilemma...whether should i upload nymore ...coz i worked so hard for it....n everything is messed up.

Hey man... Im pretty sure you were choosing the wrong dates!!

I checked your account and everything from our side is 100% functional!

Please choose the correct dates and compare..

FileSonic Hish
i have a request plz provide upload plugin for rapidleech
i use some plugin but sometimes they work fast but mostly upload speed is very slow
Plz provide lot of user find this plugin on internet if u provide i hope your upload rate increase
Hey man... Im pretty sure you were choosing the wrong dates!!

I checked your account and everything from our side is 100% functional!

Please choose the correct dates and compare..


:-?:-?OMG HISH ....So sorry to bother u ...mistake on my are right i'm choosin half dates.anyways thnxs for reply.

but one more confusion ..u told me " each country and file size has different rate.."
so i suppose we cant figure it out wen we will get 1000 download compensation reading "EARNING FROM DOWNLOAD" chart.i guess it coz now i'v crossed 54 (revenue-by country group) i right?
Hey! Hish, Where are you ?
This is my last download speed with FileSonic Premium Account
Look At The Speed!!!
Just 11.712kb/sec (วินาที mean Sec in Thai).
It started with 200kb / sec and decrease till sometime 0kb / sec.
Can you tell me what's wrong ? Please show your responsibility!!

i'm using IDM

look at my speed from filesonic

how to do that i dont know
pls teach me even i am interested to
add banner in my forum
but account is empty so its make me sad :(
pls check is there any prob
i upload
almost10 gb i upload same topic
even i upload some topic with fsonic link
but empty account
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