FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Please anybody help me,

When I'm using ftp upload, filezilla to be more specific, the file show that was uploaded, but when i go in fileserve see my storage the files didnt appear

It is happening with anybody else?

FTP has been a bit slow recently. When you go to your FILES section, take a look at the PENDING FTP FILES tab. With Fileserve FTP transfers, it may take some time after the FTP transfer is finished before it is finally available in your active files area. Usually it only takes a few minutes, but sometimes it takes hours.
@ c12038: You are not even an uploader. Please don't comment on who we have paid and who we haven't. We pay everyone who has made money with us legitimately.

Your link to the forum is a rare issue. Occurs for about 1/10000. Usually this is easily rectified via a message to our support. Nothing else for you to scream about you dirty little scam using

@ letfl: Sure mate. Your account got hacked. You're from Thailand and had 20+ logins from Indonesia. We don't NEED to redeem your 21.38 dollars to hurt you. We could disable you.
I took time out to help you and provide you with the information you requested. All I got was: Reverse this or I'm going to go "apeshit". We call that liberties.

How about you try to secure your PC instead of being a dick and blame it on us because you download .exe files with questionable content in them?

PS. Where you live is a rural rice farm in the middle of nowhere.

Good bye.

@ Dj.IcE: Still not working? Works here for me. Try use FTPRush.

@ ecco: No, the button was returned about 15 hours ago. You can still press Transfer and we will still transfer it. Please check regularly.

@ wave8x: You still working with us? Thought you got angry last time?

@ Tyler: Should be transferred later today.

@ all: Stats for 27 and 28 look reasonable to what they were last week. We can only go over the general trend and cannot check each single individual account. I'm sure the ones who had a raise didn't complain about that.

We have one stats delay and people freak out already? We have a few morons that cannot take care of their details properly and people freak out?

For all I know our service is running at the best speed with great availability and no issues for downloaders.
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Alright thanks.

One more thing, is there anyway you guys could add another transfer day later in the week? I've gone a couple times when i either barely missed the $20 dollar mark by a few cents, or i didn't have access to a computer, and it was annoying to have to wait another week to do it.
You get payed for 7 days if you make the cut.
And if FS change the schedule you would have the same problem the upcoming week.

And people missing a few cents with a new schedule will ask for another new schedule.

Alright thanks.

One more thing, is there anyway you guys could add another transfer day later in the week? I've gone a couple times when i either barely missed the $20 dollar mark by a few cents, or i didn't have access to a computer, and it was annoying to have to wait another week to do it.

Unfortunately, if we start changing things up, it would do more harm than good. Sometimes people press on a Monday (when we have no delays) and they still get the transfer late Tuesday. It is afterall humans looking over your request and checking. Not monkeys or robots :)
Unfortunately, if we start changing things up, it would do more harm than good. Sometimes people press on a Monday (when we have no delays) and they still get the transfer late Tuesday. It is afterall humans looking over your request and checking. Not monkeys or robots :)

I didn't mean remove the old transfer day, just like add another day on top of it. I don't see the harm in that.
@ Tyler: The accounting department has 1 day a week for checking on payments. The rest of the week they do other things, thus, it is only "1" day a week and not "2" days. We are not some dorm-room company. We have structure. I have a structure and a schedule to meet.
Hi Ricky,

i have some files uploaded with about 160+ downloads for everyone of them, 26 files

but the Statistics Report shows me only a total for 700 downloads, :(

am not talking about the earnings, because am sure there must be many people downloaded with premium am just talk about the counted downloads, the statistics report show me 700 downloads while i have more than 25 files with 160+ downloads each,
@ Fat3_Gamer: Is this download for today? As far as I know there are no issues and everything is up to date. 700 downloads out of 1500 is quite normal. Nothing unusual there
@Ricky: What happened ? I requested money to be transfered from my earnings account on the 25nd, and it is still pending.
@ ronaldiste: Nothing happened. 25th = Thursday. Transfer will happen in a few hours. No worries. We got the accounting department working very late today due to the delay of the Transfer button. Hopefully people have clicked already.
Hi Ricky,
I just wanted wanted to know: when the payout will be send to alertpay/paypal accounts for those who cliked Transfer to Payout account yesterday, because I'm one of those, I wanted to click the button on Sunday,but I couldn't because there was some problems.
I have done the transfer today, in the morning. Was unable to make the transfer on Sunday, since the transfer button was not here. So my question is, will I get it this week or next week?

Dark Pichu
natal12345 & darkpichu: Transfers are being processed right now. Subsequently you will have about 18 hours to press Payout before payments go out. Payments will go out tomorrow, Wednesday at ~6-7AM EST.
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