Easy-Share.com - Up to 65% from all sales, now with Rebills!

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2 hifi

program1 discontinued long time ago. Please, PM me your account login at easy-share.

Added after 37 minutes:

2 ddljavnet

Sorry for long delay. We`re seriously discussing this issue.

At this time, we have VERY few complaints about download quota from our users.

And some of our uploaders do upload HD movies. We`re ready to rise download limits and now thinking about the way it should be done.

I`ll report here.
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2 salebre

if you give me your login, i could take a look

this is unusuall situation, never heard about such issue

And here we go again:


Please STOP spaming my inbox !!!

And still incoming:


and i have turned off notification last time (a few days a go):


No respond on my issue and nothing fixed last time !
Nice "support" !!!

and more...

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Litle problem

Hi Easy i have 2 problems
1.I have two reff.,but earnings of one guy you dont count
2.Im on program 3 standard,what i need to do to go on profesional to double my earnings

I started with Easy 4 months ago and my expirience with ES is gret,there is no upload service like this,paying is every monday,counting of downlads is corect, i have a premium four months,my refferals is saticfied....GREAT BRO....

My nick on ES is gasica77

2 freza77

1) sounds strange, but i`ll check carefully

2) program3 is closed right now. take a look at our new programs : program4 and revenue share.
2 3xupdate

you can protect your unactive files.

my profile -> misc -> protect your files

Each GB of non-active files over quota costs 0.005 USD per day.
I know this function. Just request please increase the space. 200G to 500G is better :))
BTW: Today, RU is slow and only 1 file start download per time :(
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