Easy-Share.com - Up to 65% from all sales, now with Rebills!

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2 algon

Quota is counted for the last 7 days, at the 00:00 each day.

What for do you need more quota for downloading FROM easy-share?

You`re not generally allowed to have multiply accounts at easy-share, but if you have some special reasons - you can PM me and we discuss your case.
Christ, be more specific? Last 7 days of what? 00:00 each day of what? You are going to left me guessing how much download quota I have left? When does it start? You HAVE TO give your premium users this very important info so they can maximize the use of the 60GB per week and dont waste it. I cant be left guessing how much download quota I have left and when it would reset. This would be alot easier if you would put something like this


and WHY are you ignoring some of my question. Only picking which ones to answer? I hate repeating myself, this is the THIRD TIME

Can you also answer this:

In the file manager, how long before the "Downloads" counter updates? Does it count ALL downloads? OR just downloads that are counted for cash (i.e. 1 premium ip download per 24 hours, 1unique ip per file?)


Added after 5 minutes:

Easy-Share said:
why are you so upset wiht the quota? It helps uploders earn more - since 10 users cant download with 1 premium - they have to buy premium for each other. This results in more income for pro-uploaders.

Are you saying we are allowed to share premium accounts with each other?

2 algon

You`re not generally allowed to have multiply accounts at easy-share, but if you have some special reasons - you can PM me and we discuss your case.

No special reasons, just the OBVIOUS ones. Its so I can download more.
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2 algon

please, stop using big lettes and reposting your messages - this bother another users

> Christ, be more specific? Last 7 days of what?

Quota is counted for the last 7 days. if you downloaded more than 60 GB during previous 7 days, your premium will be suspended.

> This would be alot easier if you would put something like this

thank you for your proposal, we will discuss it with our tech team

> No special reasons, just the OBVIOUS ones. Its so I can download more.

normally, this limit is ok for every downloader, except some special cases.

Added after 1 49 minutes:

how to create folder in manage file , i want the link of the folder ,not just move file to folder

in file manager, when you point your mouse on the folder (not click, just place it on the folder name), you see folder URL and buttons:

copy to clipboard

you can copy url and paste it.

check it and PM me if you have any more questions.

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This Easy-Share support guy just doesnt seem to get it. Is English your first language? If not, what is your main language? So maybe I could get someone to translate for you.

Its unbelievable for a host thats been here for so long you still haven't fix the little kinks. No wonder you are left to dust behind the fileserves, filesonics and even the 2 month old wupload.

Maybe its time for a change and LISTEN?

YOur filehost is outdated, you are living in the past where movies are like 700MB less. Todays games and movies can go up to a minimum of 6GB. There's this thing now called HD.

Im done with this support, simply the worst.
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Added after 1 49 minutes:

in file manager, when you point your mouse on the folder (not click, just place it on the folder name), you see folder URL and buttons:

copy to clipboard

you can copy url and paste it.

check it and PM me if you have any more questions.


ok ,the problem is when i was in the file management , i don't see any create new folder option at all ,all i see is Filters , Settings , a box with my file list and below it ,was Actions on selected ,beside it was a drag box with choose action , i cant start without folder ,so please kindly tell me the easy way to create a new folder with url link ,.thank
Lulz this guy...

Im gonna help you:

The only way to create a new folder is if you click a file -> Move Folder -> New Folder.
Im gonna help you:

The only way to create a new folder is if you click a file -> Move Folder -> New Folder.
thank , i know that , i went to my profile - Misc and tick the ' allow everyone to see my file and save it , after refresh i saw my folder url . I think they need to make it a simple way to create a folder and user friendly to free user as it almost impossible for me to download my own file ,so i think it will be hard for free user to get file from me too ,anyway i try this host for 2 week ,if time up and i get nothing from it ,i have leave for good
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@easyshare can U please STOP to spaming my mailbox with DMCA takedown request.
The point are:
2 Files are affected-reported and i have deleted this files yesterday (GMT+1) but the notification still coming in,then i have deactivated the automatic notification and the emails still coming.
since yesterday U have sent to me over 30 emails for the same 2 files.
can U take a look in to it and try to fix this
2 salebre

what is your ES login? post here or PM me please

2 3xupdate

you can create folder when uploading a file. after upload you see something like this :


select : move file -> new folder

type name of new folder and press create.

to make a copy, in your account go : my files -> manage files

in file list check the files you want to copy and select :

action with selected -> Create a copy

you`ll see something like this : http://gyazo.com/d54f2120f49a88a50c961f75a858fab3

note that copies created in the same folder with original file.http://www.wjunction.com/member.php?u=14915
2 algon

Quota is counted for the last 7 days, at the 00:00 each day.

What for do you need more quota for downloading FROM easy-share?

You`re not generally allowed to have multiply accounts at easy-share, but if you have some special reasons - you can PM me and we discuss your case.

1.Only 60G in one week is a jok,and you should know that DVD is 4.3G, 1080P movie is more than 10G.

2.compare to other hosts:
letitbit--- one month premium ---- 7 USD----- daily quato 10G
turbobit--- 40 days premium--- 8.98 USD -------daily quato 25G
Filesereve--- one month premium---- 9.99 USD-----no daily quato
Filesonic--- one month premium---- 9.99 USD-----no daily quato
easy-share---one month premium---- 11.99 USD----- 60G (One week)

and you shoud make change ,and allow uploaders to upload large files (2G even 5G)

i can download 24G one day by 4M adsl connection!
1.Only 60G in one week is a jok,and you should know that DVD is 4.3G, 1080P movie is more than 10G.

2.compare to other hosts:
letitbit--- one month premium ---- 7 USD----- daily quato 10G
turbobit--- 40 days premium--- 8.98 USD -------daily quato 25G
Filesereve--- one month premium---- 9.99 USD-----no daily quato
Filesonic--- one month premium---- 9.99 USD-----no daily quato
easy-share---one month premium---- 11.99 USD----- 60G (One week)

and you shoud make change ,and allow uploaders to upload large files (2G even 5G)

i can download 24G one day by 4M adsl connection!

Thats only half the problem. They wont tell you how much you've used so far... You can make notes on how much you've used but still wont know if you're in the middle of the 7days or if your quota just resetted.
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