Easy-Share.com - Up to 65% from all sales, now with Rebills!

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2 Cashio, algon

we have small maintenance works on 2 of our servers. They will be performed 7 more days for a 1-2 hours each day. IT shouldn`t affect uploaders, but in case of big numbers of same time uploads it may cause delays.

What time do you usually uploading?
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My accoutnt is suspended again... pFft. I highly doubt I reached 120GB in a week... Main problem with not having any stats on the download quota. You can just keep on suspending.
2 mygb

you have nothing to worry about

Added after 12 minutes:

2 algon

what kind of proof do you need? And what will you ask next time?

btw, please, answer my question.

I`ll send you PM with your daily traffic usage later, i dont have access to that stats right now.
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after 60 days of no downloads my files will be deleted, right?
what if I am premium, still 60 days? but I can pay for extra time 005 usd for each file?
2 mygb

Files that have not been downloaded for 90 days (non active files) are deleted. If you own a premium account you can have 200 GB of such files.

Active files are the ones which were downloaded within the last 60 days. Non-active files are the ones which were NOT downloaded within the last 60 days.

Non-active files can be protected from deletion. For either account, you can pay $0.005 per day for each GB of these files or you can just leave it to Easy-share to automatically delete them. These files are deleted according to the length of time from their last download. Files with the longest time being deleted first.

I`ll add that every uploader, who earn more than $15 in last 30 days receive free premium. This way, active uploaders have lifetime premium for free.
2 mygb

you have nothing to worry about

Added after 12 minutes:

2 algon

what kind of proof do you need? And what will you ask next time?

btw, please, answer my question.

I`ll send you PM with your daily traffic usage later, i dont have access to that stats right now.

The only thing I wanted is to know how much download quota I have used and when it is going to reset. Like I've told you before its tough to make use of Easy-share if we are left guessing when our premium accounts are gonna get suspended or when its going to be active again.

The main problem is the not knowing part. IF you have something like this


we wouldn't have any issues at all/.
2 algon

yes, your query is reasonable. We`ll impement this feature, but a bit later. I answered you already regarding this issue.

Try to post ES links and make some sales. We have very good PPS tarif, which is one of the best now. You`ll have $10-11.7 per sale on big volumes + lifetime rebills.

Hi Easy Share,im right now on program4,how i see you have the best
revenue share program,and i wish to try with sales,i think my earnings will increase.Please PM to me with details.
My friend have open program 3 acc. and hi newer work with that,can i use that acc.
Greetings from mocabass

1)can free users download files off easy-share that are more than 1 Gigabyte?
2)what is
Account summary

Referrals: 0 Rank: 1002
What does "Rank" mean??

easy-share says "We count unique downloads from single IP or premium account per 24 hours."
Does this mean if the same free user downloads 5 of my files in 24 hours I will get earnings for only 1 or all 5 files?
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easy-share says "We count unique downloads from single IP or premium account per 24 hours."
Does this mean if the same free user downloads 5 of my files in 24 hours I will get earnings for only 1 or all 5 files?

yes tottaly true...many times has been asked to the support...in this way I don't see difference between free and premium user if always just 1 download every 24 hours will be count...am I wrong?!

and plaese max upload file size limit at list 2 GB...thanks...
2 mocabass

I`ll PM you about revenue share program. As for program3 - it`s closed right now and it`s undesirable to use old accounts with program3

2 mygb

1) all files more than 1 Gb are converted to premium, which means only premium users can download them

2) Rank used to build top of uploaders when old tarifs were available. it does not affect your earnings.

3) only 1 download will be counted

2 blackclouds

maximum size of uploaded file is set to 2GB
1-2 days ago my account got suspended due to going over 120GB they say... So I waited until it activated again which is sometime today... I had my suspicions regarding that download quota and the suspensions so I decided to record my download quota this time.

= 23.39GB

Easy-Share said that its 120GB per week. If you go over your account will get suspended and have to wait until the 7days expire. When the account gets activated again I should have 120GB again for a full 7 days. That information itself seems to be classified with no clear explanation other than "120GB per 7days". No indepth explanation. So the above is just my assumption. Unless support wants to clarify it. http://www.wjunction.com/showpost.php?p=865420&postcount=398


I've only used up 23.39GB now my account is suspended again... I have no proof but a block of text. So its up to you guys if you want to believe me or not. Just be careful.
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2 algon

please stop spamming this tread. i see you in every tread here about ES, spammig about your problems with moving files from ES to another filehost.

here`s your dl stats.

| day | acc_id | files | bytes |
| 2011-06-07 | 5234591 | 53 | 24224782903 |
| 2011-06-08 | 5234591 | 131 | 61185286946 |
| 2011-06-09 | 5234591 | 34 | 14176476266 |
| 2011-06-10 | 5234591 | 51 | 25022294578 |
| 2011-06-12 | 5234591 | 9 | 4072241571 |
| 2011-06-13 | 5234591 | 46 | 22337107029 |
| 2011-06-14 | 5234591 | 94 | 37314107796 |
| 2011-06-15 | 5234591 | 1 | 599962589 |
| 2011-06-16 | 5234591 | 10 | 7050273717 |
| 2011-06-17 | 5234591 | 61 | 21240633332 |
| 2011-06-19 | 5234591 | 35 | 10422183006 |
| 2011-06-20 | 5234591 | 4 | 2325181265 |
| 2011-06-21 | 5234591 | 18 | 10588576619 |
| 2011-06-22 | 5234591 | 24 | 13657451609 |
| 2011-06-23 | 5234591 | 39 | 15796450333 |
| 2011-06-24 | 5234591 | 24 | 8630532796 |
| 2011-06-25 | 5234591 | 35 | 12792959255 |
| 2011-06-26 | 5234591 | 32 | 12215642693 |
| 2011-06-27 | 5234591 | 57 | 40012246625 |
| 2011-06-28 | 5234591 | 32 | 14723654237 |
| 2011-06-29 | 5234591 | 56 | 28430047529 |

quota is counted for 7 previous days, so every day system check if you run out of quta, summing your previous 7 days stats.

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0 URLs added, 22 strings skipped


what is your question? :-)

could you please PM me more details or screenshot or something.
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| 2011-06-07 | 5234591 | 53 | 24224782903 |
| 2011-06-08 | 5234591 | 131 | 61185286946 |
| 2011-06-09 | 5234591 | 34 | 14176476266 |
| 2011-06-10 | 5234591 | 51 | 25022294578 |
| 2011-06-12 | 5234591 | 9 | 4072241571 |
| 2011-06-13 | 5234591 | 46 | 22337107029 |
| 2011-06-14 | 5234591 | 94 | 37314107796 |
TOTAL OF 188,332,297,089 bytes or 175 gigabytes

So in the 15th it resetted, new 7day countdown
| 2011-06-15 | 5234591 | 1 | 599962589 |
| 2011-06-16 | 5234591 | 10 | 7050273717 |
| 2011-06-17 | 5234591 | 61 | 21240633332 |
| 2011-06-19 | 5234591 | 35 | 10422183006 |
| 2011-06-20 | 5234591 | 4 | 2325181265 |
| 2011-06-21 | 5234591 | 18 | 10588576619 |
| 2011-06-22 | 5234591 | 24 | 13657451609 |
Total of 81,080,749,881 bytes or 75 gigabytes

So in the 23rd it resetted, new 7 day countdown

| 2011-06-23 | 5234591 | 39 | 15796450333 |
| 2011-06-24 | 5234591 | 24 | 8630532796 |
| 2011-06-25 | 5234591 | 35 | 12792959255 |
| 2011-06-26 | 5234591 | 32 | 12215642693 |
| 2011-06-27 | 5234591 | 57 | 40012246625 |
| 2011-06-28 | 5234591 | 32 | 14723654237 |
| 2011-06-29 | 5234591 | 56 | 28430047529 |
Total of 132,601,533,468 bytes or 123GB

So in the 30th it resetted, new 7 day countdown

Where is the stats on June 30'st and July 1'st... Are you telling me that I've used up 120 GB on on those 2 days? No sir, I did not.

Is that how your system works? Im trying to understand your system here. If its the above then its counted wrong I should still be active...

Or its a day to day counted subtracting the last 7th day quota? If it is then:

In the 30th

132,601,533,468 (Total from 15th-22nd) - 15796450333 (15th) = 116,805,083,135 bytes or 108GB

+ 23.39GB

= 131.39GB

If the above previous is how you calculate then yes, no foul play.
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2 algon

We use 7 day sliding window to count the quota.

for 15th we look at your download traffic at 14-8th.
for 16th - 15-9th
for 17th - 16-10th

and so on.
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