10upload.com-$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

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not understand payments are made when ?? sunday or staurday when to requset payment staurday or friday when is the next pay period sun or saturday when did u said u will send payments on saturday ??
okay thank so much and please till us when should we request payment the next time ?? i will make my request now so i will get payment to tomorrow right ans thx again lila
okay thank so much and please till us when should we request payment the next time ?? i will make my request now so i will get payment to tomorrow right ans thx again lila

don't wait to Saturday , because we prepare all payout that requested from Sunday to Saturday and send money auto so we didn't know when alertpay will execute our order

Can you inscrease my storage limit ? Because I am running out of space.

Username : Squall_10

i think you have points in your account to convert some of it to get extra unlimited storage and speed as you need

Why the proportion of profits with a few number of high load؟؟

42 / $0.2995

if anyone understand what they ask for let me know plz
i stopped upload to 10 upload because point very very wrong

113 / $0.462

my file 251 MB traffic from japan , with this statics , 1000 download = 4,3$ not 16$
open for all , you payment will be next payment period because all last week done today as we say before any request in payment day not done , we schedule payment so it not done manual

good luck in next payment period

Thanks for payout.

But I'm not quite clear on what you mean, "as we say before any request in payment day not done" .... You told me to request on Saturdays cause you paid on Sundays.....
next payout for how miss the first so after this manual payout we lunch auto payout again so any request after that will be done in next Sunday


But fo premium users the storage space is still unlimited right ? :-?

yes storage for premium still unlimited

WTF, this is not fair!!! X-(X-(

You're the one who told me to request on Saturday!!! So I did, and now I want my payout.

Why the hell do you tell us you pay on Sundays and tell us to request on Saturdays if that's not how it happens?!

Please send my payout. I requested when YOU told me to request it: Saturday.

if you see above image you will see yourpayout
download speed not upload speed and also this vary according to users that connect to server but we limit it to 500kb/s not exceed that but may reduced but this done by system give the first priority to premium give him all speed they need and then free users share bw that after premiums download
download speed not upload speed and also this vary according to users that connect to server but we limit it to 500kb/s not exceed that but may reduced but this done by system give the first priority to premium give him all speed they need and then free users share bw that after premiums download
Yes sorry, download speed :D Ok thanks for the explanation ^_^
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