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  1. Z New affiliate conditions -> 5 EUR per Lead & 10 EUR per TDP

    any body got paid by webmoney soon ?? how lng does it take to get paid does it convert from euros to wmz or it's just wmz with no exchange rate please answer
  2. Z Buy Admin Encoding RDP, 10Gbps RDP, Private RDP From 6/Month(NL|FR|DE)

    hi sir first thx for the great prices mate i just order one and got 4 diff mails none of them is the login details through remote desktop i just need to ask how long before i receive user and pass with login ip add ?? update so tired of waiting please send login details order number ...
  3. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    why do you people complain about the errors in the stats :)) didn't you read what i posted before read again :)) just for your knowledge they say there is no where u can see how many completed downloads u get only the money they count is the true amount if completed shit they cheat in download...
  4. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    okay lila so what about that news entry about changing the program and what about changing the money making thread in the form to mention that exactly since it's final it should be official on the site not in WJ right ??
  5. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    okay thx for the payment now tomorrow w are one 100% download 10% sale right laila please let your answer be clear this time :)
  6. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    okay thank so much and please till us when should we request payment the next time ?? i will make my request now so i will get payment to tomorrow right ans thx again lila
  7. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    not understand payments are made when ?? sunday or staurday when to requset payment staurday or friday when is the next pay period sun or saturday when did u said u will send payments on saturday ??
  8. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    what ?? you sent payments payments are made on sundays today is saturday when and why did you changed that i still not requested payment and even u said few posts ago that u will change the system after the payment on SUNDAY please answer that asap lila pop-ups are back again why ?? can't you...
  9. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    actually laila no matter how many times you say that it will never be true you never count all the completed downloads any way and all of us tried that once i move all my files the same size the same content to any other host i get 3x the counted downloads you tell me i get when i ask where can...
  10. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    $2 man she just answered u and me again this $1 limit for the same ip in the same day
  11. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    no man didn't you read i asked the same question they said that only a single ip address can't get u more than $1 per day meaning that if theoretically a single user downloaded files that gets u $1 in a day and that same ip downloaded another file u don't get any more money for that day from it...
  12. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    no actually i do coz i only work with small files 5-50 MB and i get at least 2K downloads a day and sure 10Up doesn't count them all and they have that 50/50 crap and still i get $1+ daily but the sure thing no single ip can generate more than $1 for me in day so no prob with this one
  13. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    still don't get it you mean that one ip address can't get me more than one dollar of revenue no matter how many downloads that ip gets
  14. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    what !!!! you will limit earn to $1 per day you mean i can't earn more than one dollar a day no matter how much downloads and sales i generate what kind of plan is that ??
  15. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    okay i confirm no more pop ups and it was useless any way it just displayed your site meaning there where no revenue out of them any way any word about getting the original affiliate plan back ??
  16. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    hi lila just wondering why not change the making money thread ?? to say 50/50 and way not make a news entry about it uploaders that are not from WJ may leave 10up just coz they think u cut there profit and any new uploader have the right to know the terms he is dealing with i think this is just...
  17. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    not really i got that one on monday for a file downloaded just 713 times and i tried all the day long it kept saying this file has reached the max download limit so do u confirm that there is no limit for a file to be downloaded ????
  18. Z$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    what is the message :this file reached the max download limit " this is my third time asking about this massage and this limit