Search results

  1. T - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    The worst thing is that I did not received any response from support. They must make serious and always respond if they are open support ticket.
  2. T - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    No answer 20 hours ???? My forum yesterday was oflline 4-5 horus and today againg twice as much time, for now. :( With this their attitude can only expect a lower PR, and much less visitors. Unprofessional and frivolity !
  3. T - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    I fuck myself in the ass when I confided these madmen. My forum is now 7-8 horurs and no response from support. Shame on you support !!!!
  4. T - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    My VPS after 20 hours again offline !!!
  5. T - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    I two hours cant open page 30-60 sec. :( Whay support never online ? I got a good bid for advertising today and in general we do not need this. edit: now my forum is offline !!!
  6. T - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    I use their service for about 2 months and I am very satisfied. Support is fast, helps with any problem. For now my recommendation.
  7. T - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    Why live help always offline ?
  8. T

    Need FileSonic Plugin

    Why this ? :))
  9. T - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    Again offline ?? edit : My mistake, memory goes almost on 70% and I reboot vps and now work.
  10. T - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    After 10 days my forum is offline one hour. :( (offline almost 2 hours)
  11. T

    VPS - VPS services starting from $15/month (Germany)

    What's happening with the support ? A again wait 15 hours ???
  12. T

    The config.php file could not be found

    Thanks all for try to help me. I create new config.php 5 times and checked 50 times and no work. I do not know why but report as the file does not exist and of course is there.
  13. T

    The config.php file could not be found

    Sry I was not precise. In server_name is my real adress :( My forum is in root httpdocs.
  14. T

    The config.php file could not be found

    In config_value is my real adress In this format var/www/vhosts/ ?
  15. T

    The config.php file could not be found

    Yes sry I edit previous post. ;)
  16. T

    The config.php file could not be found

    I find it and config_value is
  17. T

    The config.php file could not be found

    Yes config.php is in httpdocs direrectory and of course I rename install folder. Everithing works on my old host. Do you know where to check path setting ? Thanks for advice.