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Hey Willy,

My downloaders can't download from the above servers. I tried myself, with my premium account, and I'm encountering the same goddamn issue. Please fix it as soon as posssible, as we are losing a large number of downloads because of that issue.

I hope you take this matter in consideration.

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Why dont you answer my question?
I write to you 3d time.
Will you fix server u11? I cant download some files.
It is not working for 2days.
Only answer me yes or not!?

P.S. What kind of support are you? you answer ony that questins that you want!!!
Willy, I'm definitely having some problem with my stats:
The first minute there are two downloads:

And the next minute, they are gone:

I just switched from pps to ppd, damn, I missed another pps>_<
And I keep on refreshing the page, the download counts just keep on showing and hiding. @_@
Please help, willy.
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Wupload's system looks all screwed up...

I had a sale 10 mins ago, then it vanished, now it's back...:facepalm:

I wonder if I can still see it in an hour or so.:facepalm::facepalm:

I know I have said it before, but unless I see serious improvement by tomorrow night in EVERYTHING, I am out. I am sick and tired of getting abused in pm's by angry members trying to dl something and not being able to (and most of them are actually PREMIUM users).

This time I mean it. There are plenty of better hosts out there, too bad I wasted my time here...

I am pretty sure Willy will ask all of us "what are the links they are trying to download", "what link sold the account" and all that crap. It's so damn predictable that it's actually become boring.

Too bad, it looked promising...
1. Wupload is showing the page "Sorry, file is removed." when the file is still valid and working.

2. Getting system error when trying to move a file.

3. Deleted files are being shown up in My Files. Tried to trash them again, but they still show up.

4. Stats are not constant. Going up and down.

I bet more is coming. :facepalm:
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@Willy something is wrong with stats . The stats is increasing and DECREASING in the same day and hour (the same like the above posts).Willy Please check your scripts .
I`ve just refreshed the stats page and I`m another 1.30$ down ! :facepalm:
Deadlysting and smrki, I think we are having the same problem here. I'm a little tired too. I think wupload needs to improve their stats system as well as download speed for free users. I've tried to download something from wupload recently and usually I got broken downloads when the files are relatively big (i.e. more than 100 M). Some people keep on complaining about this filehost and it even got banned in some forums. I missed my days with megaupload. It won't get me any money, but people like it and they are happy to download everything I shared on MU (no waiting between files, speed excellent and expiry longer). Ever since I moved to WU, all I see is complaint from free users and when they PM me to ask if I can upload my files to others hosts, I can't reply because I need to earn money with WU. I feel really bad about that. I think a serious update in server and the system is the priority for WU at present. If nothing improves, it is only going to lose more users. Publicizing a filehost is easy, building a good reputation for it is difficult.
ZooM File and Image Uploader dev says it's an error on your end Willy.

Many MANY people use this program, and it simply uses the API you provide.

[OK] WUpload has stopped working

Seems the problem is slowly being resolved tho.

Here are some example error messages from ZooM :

UP: Send(1) (SocketError:Socket Error # 10054/Connection reset by peer.) (
UP: Send(1) (SocketError:Socket Error # 10054/Connection reset by peer.) (
UP: Send(1) (HTTPProtocolException:HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out) (
UP: Send(1) (HTTPProtocolException:HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway) (
UP: Send(1) (HTTPProtocolException:HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out) (
UP: Send(1) (HTTPProtocolException:HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out) (
UP: Send(1) (SocketError:Socket Error # 10054/Connection reset by peer.) (
UP: Send(1) (SocketError:Socket Error # 10054/Connection reset by peer.) (

Thanks for the info, ForSight!

Can you let me know if you're still receiving these errors?



Received my first payment, 42$ . Love you Willy :x and Wupload :x

Congrats on your first payment, akatsukid!

The first of many more to come :D

@Willy something is wrong with stats . The stats is increasing and DECREASING in the same day and hour (the same like the above posts).Willy Please check your scripts .
I`ve just refreshed the stats page and I`m another 1.30$ down ! :facepalm:

Doesn't matter if it's 1.3$ or 50$ to me, it's still the same to me.


Wupload... One more RS wannabe, one more host saying it's the best...

You got mountains to climb before that, and I doubt it will ever really happen...
i am madan from india.

i have broadband connection with dynamic ip.

wupload is not opened in my system.

and it works with static ip


Hey, madan!

Change your DNS settings to &!


Hi Willy
Code: ( i also tried with
user is my email

Try *!


Stats are not counting correctly...
something like half is counting only.

Hey, subhy!

Stats are counting correctly by all accounts on our end... PM me your account ID with a little more information and I can double check yours!

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