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  1. H - Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

    how big is the storage space for free users?
  2. H

    and the one thing that's working efficiently right now is DMCA...
  3. H

    stats getting worse each day, no matter how much additional effort is put in :facepalm:
  4. H

    stats are really horrible since beginning of November, more horrible than past months...
  5. H

    stats currently reverted to 2011-11-04, around the time of the last known server lag. before that, server successfully changed days (2011-11-05), but now as mentioned above stats reverted to previous date and 11-5 stats show 0 :'(
  6. H

    looks like it's frozen again...:'(
  7. H

    UploadStation - $32 / 1000 Downloads! All Countries Paid! (Official Thread)

    nice, all my unshared files gone. time to start packing and find a new host, wouldn't wanna waste another minute here...
  8. H – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    @Hish any news about underpaid accounts? what steps could we do to ensure we receive our hard-earned money?
  9. H

    yup, statistics are jumping up and down again :O
  10. H

    yup, stats slower than yesterday....
  11. H

    Willy, may I suggest a "Outstanding payment due on next payout day" field in the My Earnings section? would really be a great plus to see this info at a glance, thanks.
  12. H

    stats jumping up and down...
  13. H

    stats going bad day by day... and how come probie people say everything's great :-? wish it were for the rest of us...
  14. H

    @azazel696 now it finally hits you too... @Willy stats may be counting correctly but it may be technical issues that prevents files to be downloaded, like me for example when i try to download Wup links speeds start out lower than average and then finally dips to 10kbps average, imagine a 100mb...
  15. H

    Willy, why DMCA so fast? Files I uploaded recently are taken down a few hours later :facepalm: I have nothing against DMCA but man that is so fast, not even reaching at least 24-hr period, unlike before where files survived longer giving time for them to be downloaded. I guess that partly...