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Hi Willy,

I lose my answer for security question of my account ( because I can't remember it ).
Please give back it to me ok?

PM me, we'll have to verify your identity.


what exactly is a fake file?

Fake or misleading filenames - a file claiming to be X when it is really Y.


Willy expected time for uploading to get normal?

We're doing all in our power to get them all back in fine working order so all affiliates can upload without issue, but I do not have an ETA at the moment!

My apologies!

We seem to have succeeded in keeping your attention, Deadlysting!

No matter how many times you've said you were gone for good, you always seem to be drawn back! :) We must be doing something right :P


Rest assured that I am out of Wupload Willy, you might have noticed that I don't upload files to your service any more (I can't, anyway, can I?)

I invested 6 months in Wupload, made monster threads with WU links, to end up with a bunch of frustrated users and major verbal abuse in pm's. As for my earnings, you know very well what I am capable of, if I work with a stable host. As long as Wupload was stable (unfortunately, not so often), I made great money. I don't want to get into numbers, I don't like bragging. Yes, there have been "dry spells", but not because I stopped working or anything like that, but in general, yeah, I made good money with Wupload and enjoyed being an affiliate, but the frustration is too great. Who likes the inability to promote the host? Who likes NOT updating his threads and losing attention slowly because he prefers a host that is so unstable?

When you have gained more stability, send me a pm. Until then, I don't know if you actually like looking at all the complaints, but either solve every issue once and for all, or shut down the project completely. At the moment, Wupload has grown widely unpopular and has to prove itself all the way from the beginning. I pointed out a few things to you the last time we talked, but you didn't follow any of my advice.

Understand this: I am not the only one you have lost so far and certainly will not be the last. Take a look at the numbers I have brought to your service and tell me if I am just another spammer or a valued affiliate. Then, ask yourself if you are willing to keep your service and what you need to do in order to accomplish that. Measures like

"Send me your links"
"Send me your account ID"
"Where you are uploading from"

and all that, have become way too common. Upgrade your service or shut it down. It's that simple.
Strange or not I must agree with Deadlysting . Willy if you and your team do not take any real actions regarding Wupload technical insufficiency and lag of stability in everything your host tries to provide - this filehost will be known and will be talked about in past tense after a month or two . You are really neglecting the services provided by Wupload from more than a month and this will not end with a good result , not a chance ! You must take actions and you must take them now . 40 days are enough to fix FTP right or to add servers or to fix the stats (scripts, name it ) or to increase the download speed (again servers) or ..... You had so much time and you did not fix any of the issues ?!? Maybe you stopped all investments in Wupload and you are trying to maintain your profit with everything you bought 2 months ago and nothing more ? Maybe you want only to gain without giving for the last 40 days ? It is not going to work that way .
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Azazel I have nothing against you or anyone else in here.

I have lost reputation and time with Wupload because people are bitching whenever they see WU links and I doubt if there is any compensation for this. There are a lot of examples of hosts that have pretty much died out.

Wupload pretty much hangs in the balance.
remote upload

hi Willy.

i do remote upload from Filesonic.
but 'In Queue' about 8 hours today...still not.
i have premium account Wupload,Uploadstation and Filesonic.
what happend?

and from Uploadstation is 'Error'
and from Fileserve is 'Error'

only my account?

please teach me.
when this problems will end? À``AÀÀÀ``AÀ i'm tired of tryng to upload

Fileserve users can't upload to,...

Is this all the same?, all filehosters, hosted in the same hosting company in Hong Kong?
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