i agree...can this be done Willy?
At the moment it cannot, ven666detta.
i am not able to upload anything at present..any maintenance going ON ?
WUPLOAD Server Time : 7 AM to 8 AM
EDIT : I am getting this error - Connection reset by peer
Is this FTP upload, snkr?
once a site is confirmed, do you have to keep the meta key to gain sales or can it be removed. thx.
Hey, ForSight!
Yes, keep the meta key in your site!
Willy can't explain what happened to my referrals..
The first image is your weekly earnings, the second, your total earnings
"We have detected some suspicious behaviour coming from your IP address (1********) and have been temporarily blocked.
Reason code: 1"
My IP blocked again for the fourth time :facepalm:
1) Don't post your IP address in the forum! PM me, please!
2) You need to either update your sBorg or its plugins and check your login information, you IP was blocked for multiple failed logins.
I will get my techs to unblock, but you will need to fix some things on your end to avoid a 5th time
please mr willy fix RU From MU to WU problem
3 days ago and i can't upload any File
Hey, wanted!
MegaUpload remote upload is working fine! I just did a test myself!
As for processing, you will just have to be a bit patient. If your links have already generated, test them, if they've live, you can share away
Yes. It's a pity I missed so many premium account sales and that's why I switched to PPS plan yesterday. Guess what, I've already got three PPS earnings today.

Good work, rayheng!
Keep it up! B-)
dear Willy
in my accout it show that my last week earing had been paid ,but i dont have received any payment from Wupload ,can you check that issue.
thank you.
Please PM me your ID, brilliantljh!
Added after 8 minutes:
I can not connect to FTP from england at the moment.
I just ran a test and was able to connect with very quick speeds!
Can you PM me your FTP log information, nVz?