uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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Just received my first payment with Ul.to.
Took only 7 days after request.
Thx guys, you are just the best filehost around !
hi there,

my payment via bank wire was marked as done(abgeschlossen) last week tuesday or wednesday. However I still didnt receive my funds to my bank account. This used to be same-day/next day with my prior payouts, can you guys from ul please check that? I posted a PM to ul.to|sinem on friday, but still didnt get a response.
Sinem rather than keep saying that Brazil does not generate anything for you
because it does not block the IP of Brazil that shit?

would be a great benefit in that you do!

would be a great favor to all of Brazil uploader
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