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  1. L - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    How many sales per 1000 do you get on uploaded?
  2. L

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    How many sales per 1000 do you get on rapidgator?
  3. L

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    with the old payment processor, I asn't able to buy premium from Norway. I hope that the new one will generate more sales.
  4. L

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    For how long has the cc been down? Three weeks? I looks as though my stats started to decrease almost one month ago
  5. L

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    this is the response I got from rapidgator:
  6. L - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    I have just startet uploading to ul and I want to know whether I can trust them. When I look at, I see four downloads, but in it says only one valid download. Is that a delay, or does it mean that only one download is valid?
  7. L

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    If you change to wmz they are going to add the pending paypal amount to the next wmz payment. That's what they did with my money.