uploaded.net - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

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I have just startet uploading to ul and I want to know whether I can trust them.

When I look at http://uploaded.net/manage, I see four downloads, but in http://uploaded.net/affiliate it says only one valid download.

Is that a delay, or does it mean that only one download is valid?

UL can be trusted.
Download counts in the file manager dont equal valid downloads.
Download counts in the file manager mean any user that started to download a file.
Valid downloads are _complete_ downloads per _unique_ user.
Unique users are any users that did not download a file within the last 24 hours.
me and a friend of mine got account hacked in the last few days ... ( i got it hacked yesterday.. there were 55 €and the hacker asked payout to oscamgulliver @ yahoo .com in payza ) my mate got hacked one week ago.. i dont know about my mate but the hacker for sure didnt use anyvirus as ul.to is the only hacked account .. no email hacked , no pass changed nothing ... jsut asked payout... how it can be possible ?
me and a friend of mine got account hacked in the last few days ... ( i got it hacked yesterday.. there were 55 €and the hacker asked payout to oscamgulliver @ yahoo .com in payza ) my mate got hacked one week ago.. i dont know about my mate but the hacker for sure didnt use anyvirus as ul.to is the only hacked account .. no email hacked , no pass changed nothing ... jsut asked payout... how it can be possible ?
i found the default passes they send out quite weak
check how strong your pass is here
what for?

if your files are idle for half a year, than they dont earn you any money, they dont earn ul.to any money, they're just a waste of space
me and a friend of mine got account hacked in the last few days ... ( i got it hacked yesterday.. there were 55 €and the hacker asked payout to oscamgulliver @ yahoo .com in payza ) my mate got hacked one week ago.. i dont know about my mate but the hacker for sure didnt use anyvirus as ul.to is the only hacked account .. no email hacked , no pass changed nothing ... jsut asked payout... how it can be possible ?

arent you quite alarmed that it hit you and your buddy, but no one else here seems to have been hacked? think about that ...
me and a friend of mine got account hacked in the last few days ... ( i got it hacked yesterday.. there were 55 €and the hacker asked payout to oscamgulliver @ yahoo .com in payza ) my mate got hacked one week ago.. i dont know about my mate but the hacker for sure didnt use anyvirus as ul.to is the only hacked account .. no email hacked , no pass changed nothing ... jsut asked payout... how it can be possible ?

Same happened with me too...
Payout was requested out via payza.
No password was changed nothing but still someone requested payout.
I mean how's that possible?
ul.to you need to look into security measures and make it more tight.
Duh? YOU should be more cautious with YOUR account. Somehow it was YOUR fault that thing happened to YOU. And is not like that guy already got paid. PM Till your ID so he can decline that payment and the balance will be in your account again.

Don't blame others for things they haven't done. Try to use your cell brains the right way and look with whom you share your account/PC and be sure to close your session every time another person is going to use the PC you were using...

And also try to get a better anti-virus...
hi there,

my payment via bank wire was marked as done(abgeschlossen) last week tuesday or wednesday. However I still didnt receive my funds to my bank account. This used to be same-day/next day with my prior payouts, can you guys from ul please check that? I posted a PM to ul.to|sinem on friday, but still didnt get a response.


could you send me your account details via pm so we can take a look into this matter.

me and a friend of mine got account hacked in the last few days ... ( i got it hacked yesterday.. there were 55 €and the hacker asked payout to oscamgulliver @ yahoo .com in payza ) my mate got hacked one week ago.. i dont know about my mate but the hacker for sure didnt use anyvirus as ul.to is the only hacked account .. no email hacked , no pass changed nothing ... jsut asked payout... how it can be possible ?

There are few more ways then any virus, it isn't any problem from our side. Send me your account id and i'll take a look into this matter and cancel the payment request.
oh well i alreadyopened support ticket few days back.. the payment was canceled promptly this early morning and i asked a REAL payout to webmoney... it is strange coz UL.to was the only hacked account... anyway ... what about introducing a security lok like happens in other hosts?
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