Dear clients and customers ,
We are happy to announce you that all our servers suffered from the latest issues are now all these days online and accessible without any issues , the issue happened regarding some services asking about information's of our clients , once it got denied suddenly our connection server got lost. We won't tolerate this actions from anyone , we are real support of freedom of speech , our hosting service is the real one , we not share , rent or sell your data and personal information's to anyone , those latest issue is a proof !
We want to thank everyone of you for the support emails , for the skype messages and the rest of the actions of our clients and our fans , some of the servers who involved into this issue is back on new latest technology servers with high quality and our real support. Our hosting provider is real offshore and we respect highly your privacy and your data , this privacy you wont find it elsewhere , all this we write here are not just typical marketing tricks to attract you like clients like the most does so. No need to worry about any issue , if you stick with us you will be free without any worries at all.
The next days we will launched promotion plans where will be only some available of them , we are getting high number of requests regarding servers and we try in the best possible time and way to assist you. If you need any questions please contact us via below methods :
If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.
Thank you ,