Dear customers & clients ,
We wish to you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year , we want also to wish the best to the staff of the wjunction who are making a great job with such a great website.
We are many years on the hosting market , we know exactly what our clients needs. We are the no.1 company which not got offline , or appeared took the money of customers and disappeared. We are the most safe offshore web hosting company with hundreds of clients from around the world , from the most rare places on the world to the famous , thank you all who you have choose us and stay with us all this all years.
We want to make you a import announce , we have great news for the new year for you all , like the year changed our network changes too , our network and hardware now has the latest technology on the market, fully DDos protected and safe for using. There is no such a services in the market and with this great cheap prices , new era for our hosting services.
What you have with which you wont get it somewhere else :
- 100% uptime
- 100% privacy for your personal information's and data , we not share them we not sell them like most providers doing.
- Professional & Fast support.
- No hidden fees , no payment fees for VAT or similar so they take you only money.
- Offshore location ( DMCA ignore).
- Fully DDos protection (Real protection and not only in words like most providers so they attract you as their clients).
- Latest technology on all our VPS so you have top quality and speed.
- Freedom of Speech.
- IP geolocated ip's , you have the ability to choose from many countries ip location.
- Confidence which you will not find anywhere.
Our company last years got a hundrends and hundrends of clients , our network everyday gets raised more and more. We are doing everytime changes so we can give you this which you need. If you look our feedbacks around on Internet you will see we are not only words , we do what we say.
We also want to thank you all which you are sending us e-mails and asking for help , thank you for the trust you are showing to us. We appreciate all the kind words you are writing to us !
If a customer has any issues or problems and want to contact us regarding us services you can reach us with the below methods :
If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.
*Click here to see our VPS Plans
Thank you ,