UFOX.com Official Support Thread

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574.2 Mb from 21.7 Gb

Upload speed: 2184 KB/Sec
Time remaining: 2 hours 48 minutes
desktop uploading speed is very low
and please add FTP server for upload
2184 KB/Sec = 16 Mbps and this is slow for you?
ok i understand now

Added after 1 26 minutes:

FTP is being installed, but it requires some modifications to the file servers so it will take a few days, however we just installed the Desktop File Manager app that you can download from here and it's similar to an FTP application.

ufox.com/h55xjpssuewi/UFOX_Desktop_File_Manager_Install.exe.html <-- Windows PC
can i upload multi files with this software? or upload (select) one by one?
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Are you trying to get your links and us uploaders kicked off all boards ? Because free users getting the "file has reached maximum downloads" when they try to download a file that has only been downloaded a couple times is going to do just that.
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