you can send me the invitation?
Slowed a bit.Are you serious?
36 hours ago I posted a small group of files that would normally had about 1000-1400 downloads by now.
You know how many total downloads those files have because of this? 104.That's right,104.
If you don't remove the limit you will be ban from every major forum before the weekend is over.
There plenty of comments about your service.But not the kind you want.
They all say things like "this host is shit re up on a real host" and "ban this host, free users can't download" .
Yes,I know that all they have to do is register,don't you think we tell them that?
It would have been nice if you'd have told us you weren't going to allow unregistered users download instead of letting us get blindsided with this info from screaming downloaders.
This also cost me some really good files.The files I posted have now been posted on a different host by someone who downloaded them from me last night.
Take the advice of your "elite" uploaders and let unregistered users download.
You're saying this is about nothing other than stopping bots,right?
If that's true,then all you need to do is change the captcha to one of the styles that bots can't read.
Total Download : 0 - Free user can' download and they need sign up
i have 2 refs
I think need to time limit free user download in a day . Free user can't download , nobody use service
Registering may not be a big deal to a lot of people, but there are even more people that find it to be a waste of time and a huge hassle. Why? Because people are lazy. All they want to be able to do is click and the file downloads. It doesn't matter how easy you make it, or what benefits you give to registered users. People don't change, and will always be lazy. This is why you see forums with about 200 or so registered users online, but lookie there.. over 3,000 guests.
Moving on, are you still inviting users?
I'm not saying you are wrong. In fact, you have a valid point right there. Your website, your rules.
My response was meant more to point out why people have such a problem with registering. It is beyond me as to why they take the time to complain about it instead of spending less time signing up and enjoying a good service. I have had a lot of backlash from people while advertising my forum in the past. Things like "But I can post here without registering". Kind of silly since 4chan makes you do a captcha every time you post...
the download speed is 100 kbs so ppl have to bother to register for that speed?
Please remove register
If you want premium members ,you need to become popular and to let door open.
Don't restrict your business by this way.
Yes people are lazy for register. they always use others filehost.
If you think really people who registered are more able to pay premium it's false.
And uploaders don't use only one host . Specially when he restrict acces by register.
More people can download and use your service and more you can convert in premium.
And for the bots it's your work to search and ban it.
PPD plan is on?
when i click link download , i seem this file has been deleted , and i don't download .