We asked for it to be moved.........
UFOX.com has now been officially purchased by Tropicana Investors Group, S.A., a corporation formed in the Republic of Panama. From what we understand they want to make many changes to the site... so wait and see.
My job is done here and I’m...
Disappointed just because you're a jobless loser that's upset that his welfare handout was cut off too.
We paid out 1000's of dollars in PPD and we only removed those from PPD that were bringing us no sales... like any responsible business would. Why on Earth would anyone keep paying someone...
So that's what you're so upset about... that we didn't give you a job as our consultant. So now your just a disgruntaled low life that is trying his best to post slanders comments about our business.
Most everything you write is totally wrong and pure speculation, as you have no real idea of...
Since we can only pay you through Paylink... they are down at the moment... we're trying to find out why. They are moving servers.
Paylink Is Currently Undergoing Server Maintenance, Please Check Back Shortly.
"A poor and unfair way" to who? We only removed those that didn't bring us any sales, we paid out 1000's of dollars and got nothing in return from many PPD uploaders... and you say we're being unfair? Seems the other way around. As for those that didn't make the $25 threshold, before the change...
Many mail servers require the IP to have a matching RDNS PTR record or they will not except mail form you. You can set the RDNS name in the control panel "reverse"
In the case where you have many sites using the same IP... like on a cPanel server... the server will send mail out on the root IP...
I sent Paylink the request to pay you via Moneybookers .. they don't work on weekends so hopefully Monday it'll be sent out.
Can you elaborate a bit more on what you're requesting here?
You can have a Premium account in PPD or PPS ... makes no difference on a Premium account. It was my understanding that you wanted to buy a Premium account with the $8.80 in your account and you were 20 cents shy of the $9 deal. OK I'll change it back... cancelling the Premium account if you like.
No problem mate... I'll give you the 1 month for $8
Added after 4 minutes:
Resellers simply generate keys on our system... when a key is sold and put into use by a subscriber, we can tell who's using it and the affiliate ID, that might be attached to the subscriber. We've...
We're not playing any cheap trick....
SSH is in Euro's ... it's more expensive...
1 Euro equals $1.32 US Dollar
Added after 14 minutes:
Cloudnine, now I remember you... you're the guy that said back in January when we first started "Oh watch out for these guys.... they...
This is totally untrue ... you really should take a closer look before you make accusations like that. Our reseller SSHload lists their prices in Euro dollars ... we list or prices in US dollars... when converted there is a big difference. I have convered SSHload's prices to US dollars in the...
Your uploading from Taiwan .... this is the problem. "Hinet" has some high numbers! Packet loss is high at your DSLAM.
Node 17:
Name: r4002-s2.tp.hinet.net
IP Address:
RT:232 ms, High:232 ms, Low:215 ms, Avg:223 ms, Total:2, Dropped:0 (0%)
Node 18:
Name: r4102-s2.tp.hinet.net...
Yes we're making more improvements ... we just swapped the main server over to Romania. There was an IP change so if you're still seeing the error massage then wait for your DNS to catch up to the new IP.
Yes you can pay with Visa and MC.
We're also adding more resellers with all other payment systems.
Added after 2 minutes:
That's interesting you say that... we reduced the wait time based on another users request saying our wait time was too high. Everyone has their own...
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