MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

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Hi Hadid,

We'll add maximum payment methods possible:)

AlertPay and WebMoney are now widely used so we'll try our best to add them.
I'm impressed by the unique idea of earning here in MShare. Problem is, I don't find the website that professional thus making me uneasy whether I can earn a lot with this filehost.. Anyone care to change my mind? :D happy to be their referral!
Come on.. How can I forget MegaShare :)
I was always loyal to MegaShare and will always be loyal <3 :) <3
Thank You:)
I'm impressed by the unique idea of earning here in MShare. Problem is, I don't find the website that professional thus making me uneasy whether I can earn a lot with this filehost.. Anyone care to change my mind? :D happy to be their referral!
Thanks for your interest in Megashare!

We may have least features but we give maximum earnings to our affiliates. On average you get 3-4 times higher downloads in Megashare because we count each download from each country and our average income is $4-$6/1000 downloads so if you are earning $2-$4/1000 downloads on other hosts with small file sizes and not high quality traffic, you'll earn around $10 with Megashare for same amount of work and files.

Why not give it a try for a week and test for yourself?
Hi ThaJacka,

Currently no such feature is available but there is a way people are using by opening upload page in multiple tabs, That's works fine for multiple uploads at a same time.

Let me know if you have any question!

Yes even 1MB

Its even less, we can upload and get paid for smaller files than 1mb right?

Added after 2 Hours 29 minutes:

After uploading, the page with file link doesnt show up, there is some bug, plz fix it, i am losing downloads

Last edited:
Its even less, we can upload and get paid for smaller files than 1mb right?

Added after 2 Hours 29 minutes:

After uploading, the page with file link doesnt show up, there is some bug, plz fix it, i am losing downloads

Yes even less than 1MB:)

I'll forward your request now.
Styla how do we rename our files? is it possible here in MShare? O_O
Currently rename feature is not available, sorry for the inconvenience.
How do I delete one of my uploads?
You have delete code written next to each file, just add the delete code in the following code... ID&DELETE_FILE=delete Code Here

File ID is your unique file ID at the end of each file like: 3567489

Hope that helps!
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