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  1. T

    Are you stupid? I was not talking to you, I was talking to the rep for Wupload and I was telling them that I can't upload either. I don't know what your problem is but find someone else to target, jerkoff.
  2. T

    Uploading is dead for me too.
  3. T – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    I have been remote uploading from Wupload to Filesonic for hours and it worked fine until now. I am getting this error now : Is RU down? ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT Invalid Account Logins
  4. T

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    Is remote uploading still blocked between filesonic/wupload and fileserve?
  5. T – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    Is there a problem using remote upload from Wupload to Filesonic? I am getting this error and I know that the user name and password is correct. ERROR_INVALID_ACCOUNT Premium Error
  6. T

    Whats Your Gangsta Name

    Mine is MOM
  7. T

    Now this is Gangsta Talk :P

  8. T

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    I was uploading to Megashare but after reading this post I stopped today. I am looking for somewhere to upload to.
  9. T

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    Unless I am crazy I thought they said $70/1000 downloads a few days ago. WOW!
  10. T

    60 things a girl wants but wont ask for it

    You should rename that list "How to convince women that you are a creeper". A guy that behaves like this would annoy the hell out me.
  11. T

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    Is there any way to mass upload to Megashare? Uploading one file at a time is not going to do it for me. Thanks
  12. T

    No I don't.
  13. T

    I am not getting any errors but half way complete or at the end of the upload it just stops and it will not complete the upload. I have one file that is at 100% uploaded it says please wait and it has been that way for more than an hour.
  14. T

    Uploads not completing Is one else using Wuploads web uploader having a problem with uploads not completing?