- Official Support Thread

Speed Upload to

  • > 100Mb

    Votes: 113 38.4%
  • 50 - 100Mb

    Votes: 23 7.8%
  • 11 - 49Mb

    Votes: 45 15.3%
  • 1 - 10Mb

    Votes: 113 38.4%

  • Total voters
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weekend , and i got only 8 dl !

website click tracker show 80 click on lumfile links. i donno if it tracks abnormal/incorrect
but mirror from the other host takes 70 dl per 100 clicks .
Lumfile, do you ever reply to pm? This is the second time i am asking you something and you ignore pm.

This is not very professional mate.

It`s true, Lum all the time is very lazy... i send you pm before 1 week and still nothing
Lum you have to be more responsible if you don`t have time you can pay someone to help you like many other host...

weekend , and i got only 8 dl !

website click tracker show 80 click on lumfile links. i donno if it tracks abnormal/incorrect
but mirror from the other host takes 70 dl per 100 clicks .

i`m agree downloads today are low... i hope lum don`t try to cheat in best time for sales ...
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For me always weekend is verry slow in sales ......last weekend verry low , and how started ....this weekend will be again low !

I will not post with lumfile in weekends, i will post with other host

Because you DO NOT understand how our system working. You very lucky when other downloader buy on your link instead by premium on under ref other aff. This reason some aff asking they have yellow star user under ref but they not have sales. Because you got it. So, you want your sales will be back for other aff. Right ?
Nobody will ever understand how your system said even if is somebody else refferal if the buyer goes on other link ....user who posted that link will be credited with sale!!I dont expect for a good answer from your techs , they are useless!!
And i will also like all sales from my links to be credited to me !!!ohh sorry i forgot that in your system everything is working fine !!!
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I'am Reguest Payout On 15-12-2012 >> liberty reserve

when i get Payment ?
You will receive money on Dec-31

Lumfile, do you ever reply to pm? This is the second time i am asking you something and you ignore pm.

This is not very professional mate.
It`s true, Lum all the time is very lazy... i send you pm before 1 week and still nothing
Lum you have to be more responsible if you don`t have time you can pay someone to help you like many other host...
Sorry for delay because DDOS under attack problem.

I will not post with lumfile in weekends, i will post with other host
Yes, you can stop it. Because no sales = nothing for us.

whats going on counts are extremly low.Files are sometimes unavailable,dl speed slow...i guess everything is alright.
Please PM for me some link unavailable or dl speed slow. I will check for you.
Iam a website owner and my visitors keep bombing me with messages that the files
are not available.When i check them most of them works,but works for X countries and doesnt work for Y?Or sometimes works,sometimes not?

Many user complaining cuz of the dl speed.They bought premium and the speed is still slow.

It used to be a good stabile service(before the dataloss) ,but now its a total mess.

My downloads ar the 25% of the daily average.Are u still upgrading something ?Or is it the final stage?

Ps :i just logged out from my acc and tried to download my file as a free user.....

***** SLOW!
whats going on counts are extremly low.Files are sometimes unavailable,dl speed slow...i guess everything is alright.
I detect problem free user can't download on new main server. I temp remove it and waiting on Monday for our tech fix that. Wait DNS update and you will see free download will increase.
hello lum are checking ur counter sales by the end of the day
is that affliate sales and counter sales are equal by the end of the day
if not sales are not been tracked
Many user complaining cuz of the dl speed.They bought premium and the speed is still slow.

It used to be a good stabile service(before the dataloss) ,but now its a total mess.
I can't help if not have any links for test.

hello lum are checking ur counter sales by the end of the day
is that affliate sales and counter sales are equal by the end of the day
if not sales are not been tracked
Our system still working fine. No repeat this question.
Our system still working fine.
yes is working fine ....thats why sale from someone else link is credited to me LOL

After i get the answer from your techs .....and the answer is not ok will be banned in 3 major forums 1 huge porn and my site !!
VIP can confrm that he saw in 1 screenshot that i m moderator in at least 1 forum .
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After i get the answer from your techs .....and the answer is not ok will be banned in 3 major forums 1 huge porn and my site !!
:) joke by always complaint sales. We just care few site have our promo it.
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@freddy12 After i am loosing so much time with this host (and also resources) is not coming this lumzechai to tell me you can delete all your files and leave.Or you can stop uploading because you abuse our resources . Okay then no uploaders where i am moderator and admin will ever use your resources again!!!
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