Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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We pay video views only from following countries: Russia, Germany, Spain, Britain, France, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium and Canada.

Added after 11 minutes:

i was said in the website, if you were in percent plan, you could earn that much or so. and was said. you can now change ur plan. so i did, but the bonus as someone above said here, wasnt added to my account :facepalm:
what bonus to you were promised in your admin panel ?
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it was something like 15.xx$ as much as i remember. which i think probably equals to percent account rewarding rate.
was written as
You could earn 15.xx$ if it was new "Percent" rate.
you have not had the inscription about bonuses
We give bonuses only to those. who is always active

Plan "Percent" only wins with sales? He wins downloads + sales? Please explain this plan here


Reply me
You earn only 60% from each sales.
that there is not clear?
gawd! i am way too far than active. i think u can see my activity state,i am uploading TBs !. i just tell what was written in my admin panel and when i clicked the provided button, my account was tranfferred to percent, as its not possible to change by ourself the account type right?

As I can remove Percent mode???

I want to win with downloads, not mathematical calculations that only benefit the administrator

As I can remove Percent mode???

I want to win with downloads, not mathematical calculations that only benefit the administrator

you can not remove, only they can, they did mine, i saw an announcement in my panel, which said, u could win that much or so, if u are in percent tariff ( i was in turba ) and said click the above link to transfer account to percent and receive the bonus. after that my acc was transferred to percent but the bonus wasnt topped up. so if u want to win by dls, u should create another account with your own ref link. and choose turba or normal.
Thanks aristo06.

Is that legal? The administrator can do what you want?
This server was great before, now steals much to uploaders. Think and use other leave pay more money.
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