Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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I requested a Payment a few days ago, the stats shows "request completed" but it doesnt appears in the webmoney acc. :(

Its a normal delay =S or I should be in panic?
My ID is 25386712 Thx
473 14.08.2012 19:11 Z645405984527 Z142037042779 95,75 WMZ limit exceeded funds to purses recipient Payment from Letitbit.net for id 25386712
Сontact support webmoney

The stats shows "request completed",but I didn't receive any money.
Please fix it.
Account ID : 25483372
303 15.08.2012 18:55 Z645405984527 Z289004476775 68,31 WMZ limit exceeded funds to purses recipient Payment from Letitbit.net for id 25483372
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473 14.08.2012 19:11 Z645405984527 Z142037042779 95,75 WMZ limit exceeded funds to purses recipient Payment from Letitbit.net for id 25386712
Сontact support webmoney

303 15.08.2012 18:55 Z645405984527 Z289004476775 68,31 WMZ limit exceeded funds to purses recipient Payment from Letitbit.net for id 25483372
contact support webmoney

Yeah I was reading that yesterday. Is strange because in the main page appears I can have a maximun of 200 dlls :/

I really hate webmoney >_< is too confuse for some things. Do you have plans to add others payment options? even Amazon Gift Cards would be nice?
i was said in the website, if you were in percent plan, you could earn that much or so. and was said. you can now change ur plan. so i did, but the bonus as someone above said here, wasnt added to my account :facepalm:
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