Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Hi friends
I registerd on http://wm-panel.com for letitbit ppd earn. i want to earn with only ppd(for 1000 downloads)earn.I have doubts.
1)After login my dash board there is a option
" Now you can switch your account to percent rate.
If you want to change your rate - click here. " What is this?

2)can i upload files and start earn now?

3)Today only i registerd.Can i request payment within 3 or 4 days if i got minimum payout amount or after 1month registration only can request payment?
i just requested my money from letitbit to wmz and my account has just been blocked...

ID: 25612512

it looks like scam...
this is not a scam, you are your own referral

Added after 5 minutes:

Completed application
2012-08-28 Done !!

but I didn't received anything in my purse (WMZ)
please check it again

my id: 18293221
your WebMoney purse full, you need to release the purse. You can contact support WebMoney, to increase your funds limit, then contact me and we will send you the money back in your balance

Added after 13 minutes:

Hi friends
I registerd on http://wm-panel.com for letitbit ppd earn. i want to earn with only ppd(for 1000 downloads)earn.I have doubts.
1)After login my dash board there is a option
" Now you can switch your account to percent rate.
If you want to change your rate - click here. " What is this?

2)can i upload files and start earn now?

3)Today only i registerd.Can i request payment within 3 or 4 days if i got minimum payout amount or after 1month registration only can request payment?
you can go in tariff percent at any time.
you can start and making money right now.
after entering billing information you get Hold 10 days. After 10 days, you can get your money into the account
Last edited:
your WebMoney purse full, you need to release the purse. You can contact support WebMoney, to increase your funds limit, then contact me and we will send you the money back in your balance
My purse is empty now, please check it again
Hi, my traffic is from only italy, streaming no download.
in Views Gb i have 19.11 Gb Earn $ 0.02
Why I have earn 0,02 ?
I'm not expert, if you can explain.

Payment - $ 50 for 10000 unique viewings minus the amount of downloaded traffic ($ 0.005 per 1 GB). This includes all the unique views of files with the following conditions:
1. Filesize more than 5MB
2. Played more than 50% of video
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