Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Mi ID is 19514201

Explain also the reason for me is dropping every day more efficient.
My level of daily downloads is the same about.

I think you are robbing me.

Added after 7 Hours 16 minutes:


More problems ....
I can you explain this?

The low eficiciencia 10% every day but the daily downloads are the same (1700 approx)

Why is this?


In 31 days before the date (2012-08-08) you

(A) Sell: $xxx.xxx
(B) Earn: $xxx.xxx
(Z) Percent: 66.1%
Z = B x 100 / A
To inrease efficency, your (Z) % should NOT be more than 60%

efficiency will increase, if you make more sales of expensive. Now you dominated install skymonk_bundle

- My account is A, log in my computer. My computer IP is A_ip
- My friend account is B, log in his computer. His computer IP is B_ip
- A is different with B (and No Ref)
- A_ip is different with B_ip
- A and B have the same tariff
- We used a share Vps, the Ip is VPS_ip
- I used ftp to upload my file on VPS_ip
- My friend used ftp to upload his file on VPS_ip

And the question is:
Our letitbit accounts are OK or not.
problems with the accounts will not be

But this is????
I think this Letitbit robbing us of a blatantly uploaders.

My payment requests and no more work for Letitbit.
Goodbye Letitbit you are SCAMMERS!
You earned xx.xx$ for July and August.
You could earn x.xx$ if it was new "Percent" rate.
Click here to earn more and recieve x.xx$ as bonus.
Change my rate
what rate?

I do not understand either friend.
I think going on vacation ShareFlare paid by all uploaders


1191 Dowloads
1 sales count
Quality 0,15$/1000
To pay: 0,51$


I do not understand either friend.
I think going on vacation ShareFlare paid by all uploaders


1191 Dowloads
1 sales count
Quality 0,15$/1000
To pay: 0,51$


[mod]This is english speaking board, only allowed language is english[/mod]
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I speak English, French, Italian, and Greek sudaca you master you.
Explain what efficiency because you're smarter.
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Ok, I'll make you a summary...

Your sales (and everybody's sales) decreased because of PayPal, not Letitbit.

And you should check how efficiency formula works, before writing complaints here.

I'm not smarter, I just think that Letitbit is one of the best filehosts and your complaints are non-sense.


Sudaca Baztianbeck01!
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