- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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hey imgserve, i have 3.33 in my account and would like to withdraw the amount.

the checkbox next to "I confirm the request" is not functioning for me to click on. so therefore i can not request a payment.

let us know when dealt with. thanks
hey not able to request the payment pls fix this bug and pls pay tommorow bz thats not our fault that we r not able to request the money but a site bug .. fix this thing @ Imgserve
we will request him to increase the reques time by one day bz its their site bug not our problem that we were not able to request payment

gatasexycity @ how did u requested bz still i m not able to :(
I tried chrome, ie. and mozilla all three after some hrs though was able to request finally hope imgserve pays this week only bz the problem was on his sites side....

This was fixed (again) yesterday. Can everyone request payment? If not, email us to and we will request it for you until it is fixed. We will process all of them today, disregarding the date of request, because of this problem.

Kind Regards, Support
ya finally was able to request . And one more thing how can we see detailed stats like from where we got unique visitor today like it was before not able to find that page @ Imgserve
Hello, please re-check the thumbnail option in Ajax.
There's some defect in it as the thumbnail generated is larger than the size selected.
LOL how greedy are you imgserve. I am banned after requesting payment. IF YOUR GONNA BAN MY ACCOUNT DELETE THE ACCOUNT ENTIRELY WITH MY IMAGES OFF YOUR SERVER. but no you just want to profit from my images -_______- while i get zilch for them.

i am deleting your links off my website and switching to new host. you can keep your 3 dollars. it was a test anyways.
Hello, please re-check the thumbnail option in Ajax.
There's some defect in it as the thumbnail generated is larger than the size selected.


This is being looked into, thank you for pointing it out.

LOL how greedy are you imgserve. I am banned after requesting payment. IF YOUR GONNA BAN MY ACCOUNT DELETE THE ACCOUNT ENTIRELY WITH MY IMAGES OFF YOUR SERVER. but no you just want to profit from my images -_______- while i get zilch for them.

i am deleting your links off my website and switching to new host. you can keep your 3 dollars. it was a test anyways.


We banned 3 users today: 2 were sending fake traffic (One of them from exchange site) and the other uploaded child pornography. We have no issue on paying you the 3 dollars, we payed much larger amounts today. Read and compile our TOS.

Kind Regards, Support
i dont care about the 3 dollars. what I do care is that you are still profiting from these images that supposedly violated the TOS by keeping them on your server even after the account is banned. if you respect the TOS you would not keep such files on your TOS. that is all. i move on.
sick guys uploading child porn . shame on ya and imgserve u should immediately delete such images else u will soon be in trouble by agencies
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