- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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Please explain me the following stats of my account.






Ajax upload has been fixed and thumbnail size has been added as well. We apologize for the delay.

Referral system is still being developed.

All pending payments will be processed later today.

Please note we are constantly finding bugs and trying to improve website. Feel free to suggest features.

Kind Regards,
That which I posted is obviously a bug.
Fix that NOW or I lose all money.

My total view from 2 images that I uploaded = 160
View Counted = 2
Money Earned = 0.0060 $

I'll resume upload after you fix the BUG.
ya true they either have a bug or genuinely shaving counts . I posted a post and it got visited abt 100 times + within 10 min and views counted 15 . R u kiddin me Imgserve . If u dont improve on that majority of people will switch to other host bz with same type of post almost 4 times views were counted by other host which i dont wanna name out here .. So if u r serious abt this host then fix it then i will continue for long else will be back with my old host though they havelow rates then urs but if counting is done that way i am afraid i will earn even less then previous host :(

Thats my images detailed counted just started today

and the views counted just 44 and mind u mate that majority of my traffic is from grp A and least i get is from group D if need proof for that i have my other image host detailed stats ......So pls do check there is some bug for sure . wat that i dont know bz am not a coder...
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please remove the continue to image button.. many people hate the popups and dont want to click on continue to view image.

arsalancfc : I think you should use a free host - no ads, no popups, no continue to image & no affiliate for you. Simple.
If you are trying to earn money you have to bear with this because the hosts can only pay you if they earn & if there's no popups / continue to image - they dont earn too. :)

sumitims: Its a bug. I think its better to stop using it temporarily because views are not counted at all. I reported about 24 hours ago & nothing had been done till now.

This is the present condition of the counts:





My total view from 2 images -> 690
Views counted - > 31

As you can see from the stats, every country $ 0 , not paying for any country.
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uh mine is bit ok then u though .20$ but still not atall upto my standard even though i use hosts paying 3$ compared this 6$ one

And just a wild guess ur target traffic maybe asia if i m not wrong bz then 0.1 breaked for 1000 images is approx 0.0 mathematically but if i consider myself from previous host 90% of my traffic was grp a,b,c and the least view i was making was from grp d thats why i am suspecting such a thing . though they need to see and fix it and ya ofc the image loading speed is slow tat should be fixed too else people wont open the images after few bad experiences ....
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Whatever may be the traffic it cannot be $0.000 I guess.
Tier 4 for all countries is 0.10 / 1000 views.
So there must be an addition of 0.0001 in my earning for each view.
Hello everyone,

The count BUG was fixed today. The problem were with tier D countries. Please look at stats page - it's new and should work fine. If you find any problems with this please email us immediately to because this can't fail, and we will look into it.

We are optimizing the payments page now. That's why you can not request a payment just now.

On the other hand, we are aware that the site is a little bit overloaded, this is why we purchased new servers a few days ago and we are finishing up the configurations right now.

When you upload an image, it goes to, soon with new server This will load much faster from now on. I will let you know here when done.

We will be finishing all this work today. Please if you see any errors (negative balance, slow load) wait for just a few moments because we are right now working on it.

As I said- we are a serious organization and we want the best for our partners. We are working really hard to accomplish this, so stay tuned for new changes.

Kind Regards, Support
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