- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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i dont care about the 3 dollars. what I do care is that you are still profiting from these images that supposedly violated the TOS by keeping them on your server even after the account is banned. if you respect the TOS you would not keep such files on your TOS. that is all. i move on.


Content was actually deleted but cached version of the site was still live, therefore your confusion with this matter. Thank you for your business with us, you are welcome to create another account but be sure that if you upload that kind of content your account will be terminated immediately and if necessary reported to authorities.

can you make thumbnail size is square [Ex : 150x150]


I will forward this request, if any changes are made I will let you know on this thread. Thank you for your suggestion.

Feel free to contact us at for any questions.

Kind Regards, Support
I don't know if this has been addressed before but I seem to be unable to choose thumbnail size when uploading via Ajax, it stays on default size only. And what's the maximum size for .zip files (even, is .zip upload working?)?
add moneybooker

In Ajax upload mode If I choose 300X300 size and upload images its become 180x180 automatically. Please rectify this.
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Good views today too. :D

---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 PM ----------

Today its gonna be a good day. <3:fly:

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