How to be successful in uploading

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Nice post. It's essentially the basics of uploading and most of the good advice that was given out before multiposters existed to the public.

Might start back into uploading, it'll at least pay for my coffee in the morning haha.
Nice share.. I bet 95% of users wouldn't have read it fully.

im the 5% =) thanks for sharing! these are all very valuable and valid points when it comes to being a successful uploader. i`m new to the scene and even though i am not earning much this past month, i am not ready to give up!
Very nice tutorial! :)

I have just started getting into uploading, and you just saved me alot of time and effort on how to build a good solid reputation.

With the amount of uploaders there are on the forums today, its going to be hard making a name for myself. With your help this process should be alot quicker *clap clap*
Another good idea to build popularity is to upload to mediafire and as many other filehosts in the first few posts as possible.

And if you just want to reupload files quickly get rapidleech. But like the OP said to make good quality posts you need an RDP
Take A Deep Breath & Try to Relax

this thread is now useless. ... thanks for posting tho

This is one hell of a tutorial and although these are currently dark times in the ddl scene, not all ddl sites are taken down nor will they be taken down. Please take a step back away from the ledge and let the scene re-group and take this great uploading advice and use it the way they (me, you, others) feel like using it.

Thanks again for taking the time in putting this tutorial together for your fellow filesharers.:)
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