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  1. H

    Torrent Tracker script

    You can use nexusphp, it's very perfect.
  2. H

    how can I upload files to mediafire using FTP?

    z-o-o-m (aka File Image Uploader) doesn't really upload everything to MF per time, because MF doesn't support that huge connection. So that, checking all files to upload on mediafire website or on z-o-o-m is the same.
  3. H

    how can I upload files to mediafire using FTP?

    you can use bulk upload of mediafire, just select all of your videos and upload.
  4. H

    Reliable filehost for personal files?

    Using dropbox, skydrive (free 25GB) and (you can search google to find the guide how to get 50GB free disk space, max uploading file size is 100MB, 10GB bw per month) Why i choose them, because they don't delete your files with or without any downloads. Finally, mediafire is very good...
  5. H

    where can I get latest movie trailers?

    apple itunes is very good trailer sources
  6. H

    How to be successful in uploading

    awesome guide :d do you post about 100 site per time? i see you said that you post on w-bb and your blog, what else? Thanks!
  7. H

    VPS for video encoding?

    x264 is the best, but it can't run on ubuntu, using windows for encoding is the best way
  8. H

    [Question] How to add watermark, logo or text to video? (NFSW)

    Hi everyone, I want to add my logo or just a text to my video. View this demo (You can see a small text "" in this video clip): The problem is many site show how to do this with megui but you must re-encode the video. While...
  9. H

    Need help about image hosting

    All thing i want to have a structure like and their image host But i'm only person who upload to my image hosting, and those image will link to my blog. Because i use thumbnail template for my wordpress blog, so that it's difficult to use image (you must upload image via...
  10. H

    Need help about image hosting

    can you teach me how to do like that :(
  11. H

    Need help about image hosting

    Hi everyone, I want to make an image hosting site for my main site. I want to do like it: I don't know how to, please help me, thanks a lot <3
  12. H

    Problem with remote upload too, please fix, thanks a lot :D
  13. H

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    remote upload has problem for 24 hours, now i'm still not remote, please fix
  14. H

    Need help with image site script

    Thanks a lot, i'll try it :D
  15. H

    Need help with image site script

    Thanks a lot! Nearly like this, but i want when i click on an image, the web browser will open a website (image site) which store an image, so that i can add some ads on that site. Not open the direct link of image like you (you can't add anything to a direct link to the file) The problem is...
  16. H

    Need help with image site script

    Hi everyone, I've searched around but can't find anything, please help me. Really thanks! 1. I want to build an image site for my warez site. So that i need an image script looks like image hosting of avaxhome or softarchive (avaxhome) (softarchive) 2...
  17. H

    C# Coders?

    C# and .NET What is the different between them? C# is the former of .NET, isn't it?
  18. H wordpress theme, will pay.

    No, I'm not :D Just searching the theme for him, very easy :D