FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Yeah Ricky you seriously need to fix the remote upload function. It's been buggy since FS started up and at the moment it's terrible.

Some files take 24+ hours to upload and others don't upload at all... This is the same whether I remote upload from my VPS or from Megaupload.

Also, I mentioned this about 6 months ago... but you might want to change the message after files have been added to the remote upload queue. It still isn't gramattically correct:

"Your files are under processing"

should be:

"Your files are being processed"

Finally found why the earnings went down. seems like if someone download from fsdndm either they can't connect or download is slow and incomplete

any fix on that?

it's not only that we are afraid.

incomplete dl's. so simple

we can not help ricky but if he look all the complaints 80% are for this drop/incomplete reason.

Even FS company knows that if they look on users statistics they will see a drop.

They (FileServe) have to put and press the tech's down (not asking every affiliate) to solve all incomplete TO MAKE TESTS TO TEST AND RE_TEST SERVERS TO WORK AGAIN.

otherwise they will loose customers not sooner because of the brand name but uploaders are not motivated at all.

we will continue for another period of time to see if it will getting better.

Some content is shared only on FS and this earning drop is un-acceptable.

even RU function is slow..........we are very disappointed with fs and this has nothing to do with ricky overall..........

there is a huge difference in stats from other filehosts (even uploadstation is better!!!!) minimum of 120% !!!!!! And some content is ul only on fs.

sad but true..........

BTW payment received thanks!!
Ricky, you may wish to look into this - I've not been able to remote upload well from MU for the past 1-2 days. Out of 10 files, maybe only 1 would come through while the rest just don't happen. Trying to do the same from other filehosts (e.g. performing remoteupload on wupload from MU) has not experienced similar issues so I don't believe it is something on MU's end.

i lost my paypal account end email i have more than 1200$ in my fs account
why fs support don't want to change my email !
Please change it let me receive my money its been now more than one month and can't do anything because you don't support ppl who get hacked or have problem with ther emails please i need your help you should take care of us :(

i hope you can help me ricky please please :'(
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@ jarlaxe: Agreed. Let's see how the new improvement on FTP and RU will be during next week. Should hopefully squash all that out and we can move on.

@ broadcast: That's madness. You know how many servers we are controlling? We can't go through with a comb thinking we can find the issue if it arises abruptly and out of nowhere. If you are not willing to help, I guess there's no hope then right? Gladly there are other users in here that can help without throwing complaints at us without substantial content to it. You expect us to start stabbing in the dark and wasting our time locating the issue that could be a realm of many? You should know by now that setting up a host isn't just as easy as pissing and aiming at an electric fence.

@ garmin: Yes, as one of the very few host that offers this you can use: to move your files to RS.

@ kontino: Noted with thanks.

@ jensen: PM me your username.

@ Dejavu: You sent us a ticket yet?
@ Dejavu: You sent us a ticket yet?

ticket? i sent meessage from contact-us page but support says solve your problem with email ... we can't change ur email ...
i can't access to my email anymore what i should do :'( more than one month now still crying about my money :'(
@ DejaVu: Message them again and give them a new email!

@ Aussie-Dog: Looks up from my side. Could be the Aus ISP blocking us?

@ Hillside: When entering folder there's something called "Export folder" on your 3rd column. Furthermore, if you mark a file OR multiple files you can export them. It comes in a TSV format which can be opened by OpenOffice Calc or Excel.

@ ATTN whoever had duplicates on FTP: Please provide your username in a PM
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