FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Hi RickyFS,

How long does it usually take for money to be transferred to Pay out account. I entered my request on the 17th, but it is still pending. I'd like to extend my account, which ends on the 22nd.
Any help would be appreciated.

Mr.Ricky this is not good of skipping my reply and answering to others...

upload was not resuming at alll.....
we have problem with internet some times net disconnects in india, i am not able to resume uploads....presently i am not using rdp, previously i used.
problem is through files not getting resumed when net disconnects all files starting from beginning
i am using filezilla.

i need resume capability, as my net was not good at all....

and what to do..?
@ DejaVu: Message them again and give them a new email!

@ Aussie-Dog: Looks up from my side. Could be the Aus ISP blocking us?

@ Hillside: When entering folder there's something called "Export folder" on your 3rd column. Furthermore, if you mark a file OR multiple files you can export them. It comes in a TSV format which can be opened by OpenOffice Calc or Excel.

@ ATTN whoever had duplicates on FTP: Please provide your username in a PM

@RickyFS, that part only appears when i select a file, and i don't store my uploads into a folder, i store it into the main storage, so how now? ^o)
Download have been slow for some files lately.. on fileserve.
well speed has gone down drastically <50 KB/s even < 3 0 KB/s for some files.
but for other files speed is normal.

i am on a premium account,

anyone having same issues?
MY RU of 18x200mb files have been on processing state for more than 8 hours only, some files only went through. DO I need to reupload again? will buying premium fix this?
Hi RickyFS,

I'm still waiting for my funds to be transferred to my payout account.
Does it usually take this long?

It's been 4 days since I put my request in.
Any help would be appreciated,
@ garmin: With that format you can pull any files. I do not know exactly how RS pull files from us, so maybe an inquiry to them would benefit you, since we do not own their service.

@ Kenchien: Ask for transfer before Sunday and you can guarantee that it goes through.

@ vAiLan: Must be your line? PM me the link and I'll PM you a screenshot, fair?

@ bubawuba: It won't go any quicker when I've already answered this. We have a whole new upgradable system for RU and FTP on Monday.

@ Hillside: You can't extract them from "root" unless you have selected the given files.

@ Gol.D: No problem on my side. Download speed have been faster than ever.

@ se7en0n3 & sewer: See reply to bubawuba.

@ AppleS: I answered you. Please check my reply.
RickyFS thanks for your reply.

but here's a screenshot explaining my problem.

The two files are each from fileserve and they don't have the same download speed.

for one file i'm having half my download speed
for the second file the download speed is correct.
There is no simultaneous download
Is there a problem with the fileserve servers?
@ myincome2020 & AppleS: That's a hard feature to incorporate. How would we know the file isn't finished uploading if your connection breaks?

@Ricky: I assume a file get's moved from FTP to an account once the connection terminates, is that correct?

I'm asking because it's the clients, not the servers, job to decide if a file should be replaced, resumed or overwritten.
Of cause the file has to remain on the FTP for the client to be able to decide that.
Replacing the current, automated system by a simple overview of our files on the FTP where we can select the files that should be moved manually, would resolve this problem.
Deleting files that weren't edited in the past maybe 48h should keep the FTP's HDD clean.

That would also help people with very slow connections. They could upload half of a file on one day and the other half on the next day.
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