Well, when I asked my question about the error message that I received I never got an answer and the discussion was turned upside down! WDF, please feel free to close this thread as it is not about the original question.
Please let someone answer my question before you close this thread as I am not complaining I am just hoping for an answer to my question and do not know where else to look. I did e-mail their support but while I am waiting for an answer I was hoping someone else has seen this error and let me...
Uploading Error
What has happened with the uploading it was going so smoothly before? I see the file uploading and when it is allegedly finished I get the error message, "Empty file upload result". Please let us know what is causing these issues.
Hi Moogie,
First of all Happy Birthday! Secondly, I went back a few posts and did not see this issue so I am asking, is there anything wrong with the FTP upload function? I keep getting errors.
Thanks for any feedback!
Oh Boo Hoo Hoo..
All I ask is that the Whiners quit whining about the payment tiers. They are set up by the filehost administrators for a reason and if they are changed, they are changed by the administrators for a reason. They are not changed because whiners from Italy and elsewhere spam...
Flash Upload Is Working Today!
O.K. I was finally able to Upload today as I was not able to as of yesterday. All looks great and I really love the way the files are appearing with what appear to be affiliate links. Can you please confirm that this is the case (they are coded as affiliate...
Please Eliminate Payment To Italy!!!!
Now that Italy has been called out we get a real winner or should I say Whiner(!:facepalm:) from France crying about the payout tiers???!!! Can't you guys read English???!!!:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
You Must Learn To Read...
I hope Dasolo will no longer spam this board about Italy being moved around in the current tier system!!!:)) If, as he states, he will be waiting for Ultramegabit to change their tier system, Please do NOT ask the Admin to change it. If they believe that it should be changed then it will be...
This Goes Out To Dasolo!!! Get A Clue!!!
Please what about Italy??
I want to work with you, but the for Italy Terrible
Possible addItaly in the second level???:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Hi Moogie,
I signed up today as instructed on the first page then I went to sign up for affiliate using the link provided: http://ultramegabit.com/earn/signup however, the link opens the page but I am unable to put my username or anything else in the box circled in red that is on the page as it...
Please Clarify This Issue
Gfx wrote the above in response to the following questions:
Originally Posted by mik554
How can I upload files?
When I want to upload file theerror occurs "Sorry, temporary disabled"
Extabit.com No remote upload?
thank you
Another person asked if...
Can We Use WebMoney In The U.S.?
Someone please help me to figure out WebMoney. I have been to the Wiki but I keep getting this error message and don't know if it is possible for someone living in the U.S. to access WebMoney. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is the message...
Are you sure Ryushare is back???
When I put in the Web Address I get the following screen:
403 - Forbidden
Does anyone else see this?
ROjunction, Am I Missing something here? It looks like Filetechnology is up and running, right?
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