k, but I don't get it why scenelog use your site for files under 50 mb even?
if I have a site with a good traffic can change your mind?!
omg,mods pls stop those beggers..
We are tired of you, we normal users, if i was a filehost and had my thread rape by beggers like you i would've ban you till i'll stop you, and italy to group 4 please and stop paying for malaysia for example, why begging?want more money WORK HARD like all of us do to bring more trafic or for group 1 audience you pathetic piece of human beings who spam and have thousands downloads and 0 sales..
And i'm really tired of you, can't someone introduce a new rule to stop this?
Is Automatic on 3$ or 25 $ for PPS you must have them until wednesteday
Moogie, why some of affiliates says here that They received payments, if you dont begin to make payments?
username rayurmella, signup to affiliate prog also but cant see it in my profile
what is your minimum payout?
@moogie i sing up 2 but my acc still Basic
Sorry why not respond to my request???
Possible add Italy in the second level
Please what about Italy??
I want to work with you, but the for Italy Terrible
Possible addItaly in the second level???:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: