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  1. R

    Fileserve closes it's affiliate program - who's next on FBI target list?

    Cowell, bieber and EVEN gaga are of no concern to me, U clearly don't understand what I'm saying.
  2. R

    Fileserve closes it's affiliate program - who's next on FBI target list?

    this thread is worse than a popular youtube comment page! littered with trolls. I believe that everyone who is stupid enough to think that we dont live in a corrupt world, and that mr simon cowell and justin bieber HAVE TO HAVE the fraction of profits that piracey takes away. MegaUpload is...
  3. R

    How to be successful in uploading

    Very nice tutorial! :) I have just started getting into uploading, and you just saved me alot of time and effort on how to build a good solid reputation. With the amount of uploaders there are on the forums today, its going to be hard making a name for myself. With your help this process...