HenchFile.com - PPS Only

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Well this is an XFileSharing script site and it does have a simple checkbox option called Track Downloads which can be enabled/disabled in a simple click.

When it is unchecked, any download stats aren't tracked. Don't think for a second hosts don't use this to halt any earnings for however long they choose.

Go visit the products website and take a stroll through the online demo's control panel to see what all a host can enable and disable on the fly. Options just don't stop working, they are enabled/disabled on the fly by whoever runs the business. Just remember that.


was wondering where you saw that option ? "in admin panel which part" :'(
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use a http://lmgtfy.com/?q=web+proxy to see that the site is functional. This should hopefully also resolve the stats issues which I apologise for :)

Stick with us and ignore the trolls/guys that get refused payout as they violate our ToS.

You guys are smart enough to see that they're just p***ed that they got found out.
Hi papa_face, is the site fully working right now?

I can't get the download link after uploading.

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