HenchFile.com - PPS Only

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We're back online now in most places in the world :)
If you still see a "Site has moved" page try in windows going to start -> run -> cmd -> ipconfig/flushdns
Then clear your browser cache
If that fails, unplug your router and wait 5 minutes, then turn it on again and see it our site loads.
Other than that there's not a lot we can do to speed it up.
And by the time payment.
You do not report that tells Payza.
Just interested to continue working for you to make more money.
That payment alternative offers.
Worry also why payable.
When you pay by PAYZA
Report as is the execution of payments.

Papa_Face the same question if you can enter your e-mail to the church. I will be grateful


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It does not help memory cleaning
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Word from Payza:

I'm afraid $1000 is the maximum our system allows a validated card user to use monthly. This is actually an agreement we have with the card companies. You'll have to find an alternative funding method unless you wait until your balance resets on the 1st of October.

All the best,
Therefore the next payout has to be 27/10/12. Funds will be wired to both Payza and Liberty Reserve in time for this next payout date.
Awesome, I'll pull my links offline for now, wait a month then submit my payout of $185, that way there will be no DMCA excuse of not paying. See you in 30 days.

You said you wanted serious uploaders is why you increased payout to $50 and that $185 is for two weeks.
Word from Payza:

Therefore the next payout has to be 27/10/12. Funds will be wired to both Payza and Liberty Reserve in time for this next payout date.

I deleted all my files.
- So far from having my payment
- You should find another way to pay
- You already seems Uload.to, only excuses to pay
- I thought you were different, but the same as everyone.

He has lied to everyone and do not make excuses, just admit you lied to us.

I hope I get paid and do not steal my money.
I deleted all my files.
- So far from having my payment
- You should find another way to pay
- You already seems Uload.to, only excuses to pay
- I thought you were different, but the same as everyone.

He has lied to everyone and do not make excuses, just admit you lied to us.

I hope I get paid and do not steal my money.
What have I lied about?! Tell me.
Lied on payment dates

Lied on payment dates
His excuses and have used other servers, and now all are scam
Uload.to - use the same excuse and never pay, now has the topic closed
Because I have to believe in yourself and be working over one month free.
If I pay the outstanding on the date indicated, continuous with you.
From experience I can not trust who gives many excuses.
Lied on payment dates
His excuses and have used other servers, and now all are scam
Uload.to - use the same excuse and never pay, now has the topic closed
Because I have to believe in yourself and be working over one month free.
If I pay the outstanding on the date indicated, continuous with you.
From experience I can not trust who gives many excuses.
Lets take a look at some FACTS here people!!!

A few people have violated our terms of service, therefore they are not entitled to a payout. Simple. As. That. Regardless of traffic, reputation, race, creed or culture, you will get banned and your payout will be denied. We must check the files and account activity of anyone that uses our service. What happens if we pay out to a child molester for example? Use your brain and think outside of your own situation please.

We remove files every day. Not just at payout. Requesting payout brings attention to your account so its only natural that since we're paying out potentially thousands of dollars worth of payments that we check your account.

I have provided updates every single step of the way.
We do pay. We have paid. We will pay.
We do not use DMCA or our terms as something to hide behind, but if you're going to use our service you better abide by the rules. Don't like those rules? Well go elsewhere, it is a free country. We are not forcing you to use us.

We have paid out THOUSANDS of dollars on every payout day. People on this forum have received payouts. Some people get them rejected, most get them accepted. Its such a shame the guys who got payout this weekend do not post proof of payout here!

I have not lied about payout dates!! I am limited by the the payment processor, what the hell do you want me to do? Tell them to lift the limits they impose on their members company-wide just for us? Get real.

We paid out 8/9/12 as I said I would. I paid out to Liberty Reserve on 15/9/12 as I said I would. Then we learned that Payza would not allow us to transfer any more funds to the account! Only by paying out am I able to reach the limit! If I could get the funds there right now, I would, but I cant'. If I said I could then I would be lying. I have not lied at all in this thread. In fact, maybe if I had lied then I wouldn't be facing so much unfounded and childish abuse from what seems like every kid on this forum.
Lord I've never talked about DMCA, this is not my problem.
What I said is that I can not trust someone who does not pay in more than a month.
Understand that many of us have been scammed by other servers.
I hope you understand my reason for not trusting.
I have a pending payment and if I pay at the date indicating 27/10/12, for continuing to work with you, with pleasure.

I hope you understand my motive ..
Lord I've never talked about DMCA, this is not my problem.
What I said is that I can not trust someone who does not pay in more than a month.
Understand that many of us have been scammed by other servers.
I hope you understand my reason for not trusting.
I have a pending payment and if I pay at the date indicating 27/10/12, for continuing to work with you, with pleasure.

I hope you understand my motive ..
I understand, trust me I do. It must be very frustrating. Its very frustrating for us too because I don't want any of this.

To everyone else. Don't think that removing your files stops us from seeing what files you've had with us. Our system also keeps a record of every DMCA request received even when the files are gone.

Play by the rules and we'll live in harmony (except with the payment processors let us down :( :sun: )
Seems like your the only one with DMCA problems. Like there is no other hosts, faced with the same problem. Only you!

Luckily I erase all files and left this file host because I've lost almost 2-4GB daily! Tragi-comic :)
OK you left the host you do not need to post in this thread any more or would you like to join stooky?

porzana if you had given me that ultimatum you would be paid not 1 moment sooner then the date indicated and I would no longer allow you to have an active affiliate account.

papa_face this is the kind of people you have to deal with in this business, I suggest you get some spray on teflon coating so the horseshit slides off.
I referral a webmaster that is very good (many download and sales), i can see him make money at my referral page, but why i din't see me make any money for referral him?
I referral a webmaster that is very good (many download and sales), i can see him make money at my referral page, but why i din't see me make any money for referral him?
I need usernames and specifics, please PM me the details. I can't give you an answer unfortunately based on what you've written here.
porzana please calm down ;)

papa_face, I think you are a legal person (a proud british, to me is enough guarantee, ;) ), so I have no doubt that you will pay in the near future, but maybe would be great trying to complete the payments according to the table dates of payments, I know you had problems with payza etc etc. But try to think about that limit to the future payments, maybe you can pay via LR to all the pending payza people?

I still think this filehost is great, but you need to take care of those tiny details in way to increase the filehost's reputation.

Also I think 50$ is too high :'(
ps. what about the referral issue, please consider at least 5% for referrals

thank you in advance papa_face

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