HenchFile.com - PPS Only

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So you admit that yo ban accounts without any complains an without any real reasons? This was an personal backup and the files have never been public. But you shure saved the money.
I think we (and everyone else reading this thread) know thats not true.
If you never shared anything how did you request payout.

At least think your stories through before saying them lol.

Regardless, ToS states:

You agree to not use HenchFile.com's Service to: upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party
Don´t twist my words, i never said i don´t share anything. You banned me for just uploading, or should we say you just needed an reason for wjunction and there was no better one? But its ok, go ahead and ban people at the day of payouts. Do you really think we´re all that stupid?
Papa_Face until now not received the payza.com Payment. What is the reason for that is the lack of money in the account payza. I trusted in the server and bought premium and any of my questions have not received a reply, So far, it's probably reguralnie paid rapidgat .. and turbob .., And I thought I found a good host for upload. Regards Papa_Face
Don´t twist my words, i never said i don´t share anything. You banned me for just uploading, or should we say you just needed an reason for wjunction and there was no better one? But its ok, go ahead and ban people at the day of payouts. Do you really think we´re all that stupid?
You're delusional if you think we're not going to check peoples accounts when they request payout.
Do you also think that we only ban people at the time of payout? If you do, you're wrong.

Papa_Face until now not received the payza.com Payment. What is the reason for that is the lack of money in the account payza. I trusted in the server and bought premium and any of my questions have not received a reply, So far, it's probably reguralnie paid rapidgat .. and turbob .., And I thought I found a good host for upload. Regards Papa_Face
As I've said, we're going to pay out. Please be patient.
Ok Papa_Face wait patiently, now I have another payment, and what if I have collected over 2000 dollars, or disburse the payza account, sorry for broken English.

Premium account expire: 13 October 2012
You have collected $53.96
Your pending payout: $26.04
Payments history
Date Amount Status
2012-09-12 $26.04 PENDING
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My account was banned too.

The reason is (qoute from email from henchfile's support):
"You have been banned for:

1. Hosting copyrighted material.

Please note, we do not require DMCA notices to take this action."

So I just warn users who wants to use this host.

I just requested ~90$, so I think it's a reason to do not pay me. If you do not receive DMCA, maybe that's because I have copyright? Don't make laugh my ass!!
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My account was banned too.

The reason is (qoute from email from henchfile's support):
"You have been banned for:

1. Hosting copyrighted material.

Please note, we do not require DMCA notices to take this action."

So I just warn users who wants to use this host.
If we're going to quote, lets quote the entire thing.

You violated two parts of ToS = banned. Play by the rules and there's no need.

From: HenchFile Contact [mailto:contact@HenchFile.com]
Sent: 15 September 2012 23:01
Subject: RE: Banned account - 2


You have been banned for:

1. Hosting copyrighted material.
2. Hosting password protected archives.

Please note, we do not require DMCA notices to take this action.

Andrew Storey
Hench Online Services Ltd

papa face why you increased the payout limit to $50 ?????????

The best host i ever used was -

filesonic - payout limit - $15
wupload - payout limit - $10
Payout has been increased to $50 for two reasons.

1. It promotes more legitimate users as typically those with $50 + earnings are doing so legitimately and not looking to make a quick buck from hosting illegal material.

2. Fewer payout requests. I am going through hundreds of payout requests at $20.
Ok, but after you said here stop to use passworded archives (there is nothing in ToS about it) - I stopped.
You just could delete it without ban.
Ok, but after you said here stop to use passworded archives (there is nothing in ToS about it) - I stopped.
You just could delete it without ban.

You agree to not use HenchFile.com's Service to: upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is password protected or encrypted to prevent monitoring or to obscure the content hosted on our servers. Only the password protect facility can be used to limit access to the file.
I think we read a different ToS:
Terms of Service
This HenchFile.com Service Agreement (the "Agreement") describes the terms and conditions on which HenchFile.com ("we") offer services to you ("User"). By using our services, User agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions:
We reserve the right to disable direct linking on user accounts that are using excessive bandwidth or otherwise abusing the system.

Pornography, nudity, sexual images and any kind offensive images or videos are prohibited. Copyrighted material are also strictly prohibited. We reserve the right to decide appropriate content and can delete images or videos at any time without User notification.

Users must agree to comply with all laws which apply to their location, including copyright and trademark laws. Images, videos and files that violate copyrights or trademarks are not allowed. If someone has an infringement claim against you, you will be asked to remove the copyrighted file until the issue is resolved. If there is a dispute between participants on this site, HenchFile.com is under no obligation to become involved.

HenchFile.com is not liable for your images, videos or files or any lost business due to the unavailability or loss of the website. We make no claims of future reliability in serving, hosting or storing your images, videos or files.

HenchFile.com is commited to cooperate with any and all legal authorities if an investigation should arise.

I just requested ~90$, so I think it's a reason to do not pay me. If you do not receive DMCA, maybe that's because I have copyright? Don't make laugh my ass!!
It would be irresponsible for us not to check your account prior to pay out. So yes, we will freely admit that we checked your account because of your payout request. Had everything been in order and as per the ToS, we'd have paid out.
If you want to discuss this further, please do so via email.
It would be irresponsible for us not to check your account prior to pay out. So yes, we will freely admit that we checked your account because of your payout request. Had everything been in order and as per the ToS, we'd have paid out.
If you want to discuss this further, please do so via email.

Yeah right, via Email so other Users don´t see what crappy stunts you are pulling off
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