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@mayank101 Problem with our server, it should be resolved very soon. Not in our hand, datacenter, servers are being maintenance by technicians.

Thanks for understanding


yea i understand its ok with me ..
but bro what about sborg nd rl plugin plzz pm me..:)
[4/19/2011 4:43:03 AM] The connection failed due to an error or timeout.
1) Verify that the destination IP address is correct.
2) Increase the connection timeout threshold under Global Settings | Connection.
3) Switch to the opposite data connection type (PASV or PORT) under Site Settings | Type tab.
4) Verify that the problem is not local by trying to connect to an alternate server.
5) If a server name was used, verify it resolves to the correct address.
6) If using a local server table for server name resolution, check to see that it doesn't resolve to an obsolete address.
7) Try pinging the address.
8) If you are using a router, verify the router is up and running (check by pinging it and then ping an address outside of the router).
9) Do a traceroute to the destination to verify all routers along the connection path are operational.
10) Verify that your subnet mask is setup properly.
11) Verify that your local software or hardware firewall is not blocking outbound connections originating from CuteFTP.
12) Verify that your anti-virus software is not at fault (try disabling it)
Dear Affiliates

I am very sorry for all the problems that are caused. I want to be sincere with all of you, technicians told me that there are some serious problems with the first server, and they are doing their best to fix the issues and have everything online soon.

They are not giving me details why the problem occurred during the maintenance, but however, they will do the best to have everything fixed.

It has been more than 1 day with this issue, and I will compensate everyone that have had loss during this day due to this server problem (even if that was something not in our hand).

Details about the compensation will be available as soon as everything will be start to work normally!

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience!

Please, wait for my updates in this thread, and also in the news section.

I hope you will understand that somethings are out of our hands.

Best regards
@comebacktome I'm saying you everything that technicians told me, I have asked them about exact time, but they are still saying "soon"! You think that I'm happy for everything that is happening?? I'm doing all my best , trying to get more details every hour, so this issue will be solved as soon as possible.
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